HELP, alternator problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by 99 Z71 owner, Oct 23, 2003.

  1. 99 Z71 owner

    99 Z71 owner Guest

    My Daughter has a 1990 Honda Civic with an intermittent charging problem (it

    Her car will be fine one minute, then she'll stop at a light, everything
    will go dim and slow down like the engine was running on the battery and it
    was dying, when she rev's it up, it all comes back to life, she was also
    having trouble starting it occasionally, it turned over slowly and had to be
    jump started a couple of times

    Thinking the alternator was toast, I brought it home, disconnected the
    battery cables while the car was still running and the engine still ran ok
    off the alternator

    She bought a brand new battery for it and all was ok for a couple of days,
    then it started acting up again, everything dimming at a stop light until
    she revved it up and then wouldn't start when she parked it.

    Is there more than just the alternator in there like a voltage regulator or
    something that could be the problem

    One thing she had installed in the last few months is a car alarm, she had
    it installed professionally but I think there could be a short somewhere in
    there because when she is trying to jump start it, the alarm activates or
    arms itself and goes off

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks for your help in advance

    99 Z71 owner, Oct 23, 2003
  2. 99 Z71 owner

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Car alarm draws current in stand-by all the time but not to a point of
    draining battery to dead. I'd start with checking all the cable
    connections. Sounds like loose cable somewhere. Two main battery cables
    and smaller wires for regulator signal, etc. When car is shut off, you
    can measure current draw from battery. If you don't have a multi meter
    handy, just put a 12V small bulb in series with positive battery cable.
    If it lights up bright, something is drawing too much current. If alarm
    is suspected, remove the fuse for the alarm and see if it makes
    difference. Or you have worn out brushes on the alternator.
    Tony Hwang, Oct 23, 2003
  3. -----------------------

    Too sleepy to offer a solution, but here's an important tip: Never
    disconnect the battery leads while the car is running. Too much
    expensive stuff to fry when the voltage soars. This point may even be
    mentioned in your owner's manual.


    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 23, 2003
  4. 99 Z71 owner

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    You could have a bad ELD, which would keep the alternator from sensing the
    electrical load properly. Have you had a problem with the batter not
    holding a char also?
    Jafir Elkurd, Oct 23, 2003
  5. 99 Z71 owner

    99 Z71 owner Guest

    Found the problem...

    It was the 60 amp battery fuse in the fuse box, the previous owner must have
    been tinkering with it because it was very loose and the contacts bent to
    the point where the contact to the fuse was very sub par, Went to Honda, got
    a new fuse (new contacts included) and now works like a charm

    Thanks for all your help

    99 Z71 owner, Oct 27, 2003
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