help dasboard light problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by robm, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. robm

    robm Guest

    need help ideas on how to troubleshoot dashboard lights problem

    my '93 civic instrument lighting in dash board go on and off intermittently
    but are off more than on and i can not find the trouble is this a common
    familiar problem to anyone.

    occasionally riding along and they come on then 2-30mins - 2 hours later
    (random) they will be off, when they are on i can adjust brightness with
    dash light dimmer switch. i tried wiggling wires, banging dimmer switch,
    and looking at fuses in fuse box swapping for new one etc and nothing seems
    to produce the desired Cause/Effect need to diagnose and fix.

    any ideas ?

    robm, Oct 30, 2005
    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 30, 2005
  3. robm

    robm Guest

    I changed the stereo to a pioneer deh4500 and i used a OEM style honda
    connector kit to create a plug for stereo wires to match the honda stereo

    i can't say if the trouble started at or near the time of stereo change but
    it is possible

    is there something i should be looking for to fix ?

    robm, Oct 31, 2005
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