help engine light on!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by amsjsj, Dec 28, 2003.

  1. amsjsj

    amsjsj Guest

    I have a 96 honda accord lx none vtec 4 cyl. My transmission was sliping
    alittle for awhile but still drove fine. THen today i was drving and the
    rpms was going extremely high and still bearly shifting. then my engine
    light came on. I dont want to go through dealership. I was told that if the
    cars still driving its not the transmission its something electrical thats
    gone out. ANyone one of you guys know, its sat so i cant get it fixed yet
    please help!
    amsjsj, Dec 28, 2003
  2. Well I guess I would check for obvious things like low fluid levels and
    anything damage, loose or chewed on by rats or mice under the hood.

    Then I would find out the codes for why the light is on and troubleshoot it
    from there. It certainly sounds like it is transmission related though.

    CaptainKrunch, Dec 28, 2003
  3. ------------------

    Follow the manual's directions about checking the tranny fluid level,
    and smell the dipstick, and note the color of the fluid on the tissue.
    Those facts, combined with telling us the mileage / service history will
    help us all figure out your problem.

    There's a psychic guy around the group but he's away for the holidays .
    .. . :)


    'Curly Q. Links', Dec 29, 2003
  4. You don't have to go to the dealership but I would advise you to go to a
    mechanic in your town that you trust. The mechanic can quickly determine
    the source of the problem.
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 30, 2003
  5. amsjsj

    amsjsj Guest

    I did check the level of the fluid it was alittle above the mark but not by
    much but it did smeel burnt. I had a transmission flush acouple months ago.
    But i talked to one guy and he said its a electornic problem not the
    transmission because I wouldnt be driving anywhere if it was the
    transmission. He said its probably something connected to it. My car drives
    but if revs all the way up and barely shifts. ANy suggestions?
    amsjsj, Dec 30, 2003
  6. **** Post for FREE via your newsreader at ****

    Well, that sounds like the syncromesh (sp?) system is on it's way out.
    EXPENSIVE! Sorry but from my experience with Honda, their transmissions are
    garbage and when the automatics die, they take your wallet with them...

    Be happy that you aren't driving something with all wheel drive. At least
    this repair (rebuild, replacement) will be in the 'low' 4 figures...

    *** - The #1 Usenet Newsgroup Service on The Planet! ***
    Unlimited Download - 19 Seperate Servers - 90,000 groups - Uncensored
    Jim Hernandez, Dec 30, 2003
  7. Does you know what a syncromesh is?

    Sorry but from my experience with Honda, their transmissions are
    Stephen Bigelow, Dec 30, 2003
  8. amsjsj

    Randolph Guest

    I believe the original poster has an automatic transmission, in which
    case there would be no synchromesh.
    Randolph, Dec 30, 2003
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