Help! Fuel Gauge Problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Honda Man, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. Honda Man

    Honda Man Guest

    Hi Gang,
    I have 93' Accord LX and I have a fuel gauge problem that's been going on
    for years. If I leave the car out in the hot sun for a couple of hours the
    fuel gauge works for about 30 minutes and then it slowly moves to empty and
    doesn't work. Took it to an electrical shop couldn't find a problem. It
    looks like the gauge is still working, but should I replace it to be sure.
    I think the gas tank isn't sealed properly. I don't lose any gas just the
    fuel gauge doesn't work. Any suggestions?
    Thanks for Your Help,
    Honda Man, Dec 3, 2003
  2. Honda Man

    Mike R Guest

    If you have a voltmeter, you could debug the problem yourself with some
    help. There is however one procedure you can perform *during gauge

    1) Remove maintenance access panal (3 screws) located under right side of
    rear seat. Might be accessible from the trunk under the carpet. Can't

    2) Disconnect the 3-P connector from the sending unit.

    3) On the 3-P connector you disconnected, place a jumper wire from the
    (YEL/WHT) wire to the (BLK) wire. Turn the ignition switch to ON and note
    if gauge moves to full mark. Do this *quickly* as you could possibly
    damage the gauge. If it were me, I would place a 5 ohm resistor in place
    of the jumper wire to be on the safer side.

    4) If gauge works, suspect a problem with the sending unit.

    5) If no swing movement from the gauge, make sure fuel sender ground wire
    to chassis connection (located near maintenance panal) is good. The gauge
    could also be defective. You should first verify power/ground/signal at
    the gauge before replacing. This would eliminate any open circuits in the
    wiring and connectors making the debugging procedure complete. A
    volt/ohmmeter would be needed here...HTH

    Good Luck

    95 Civic EX
    Mike R, Dec 3, 2003
  3. Honda Man

    Nick Guest

    As Mike has stated you may want to troubleshoot if the gauge is
    sending a voltage to the console, but if you haven't replaced it yet
    you may want to just go out and buy a new one....they tend to break
    down after 5-8 years.

    Nick, Dec 5, 2003
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