heres a strange one

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DGB, Feb 22, 2004.

  1. DGB

    DGB Guest

    My wife has a '95 Civic. On really cold days the key will not come out of
    the ignition switch. In the off position you can push the key in but it
    will not turn back one more notch to release.
    BTW: she reports that if she takes a lighter to the key while it is stuck in
    the switch it will release sooner.

    DGB, Feb 22, 2004
  2. DGB

    T. Nelson Guest

    You should first try having a new key made or if you have a back up key
    that you have rarely ever used--try making use of that key for a week to
    see if the problem is solved. If not, you will need to learn to live with
    the problem or install a new ignition switch.
    T. Nelson, Feb 22, 2004
  3. ====================

    Somebody has mistakenly put some dino-based lube into the lock. Hose it
    out with a graphite-based lube and then work it a lot to flush the crud
    out. Pure silicone would work too, but graphite (in an aerosol spray)
    will work best and it's what real locksmiths use.

    You'll have to wipe the key on a tissue the first few times because
    graphite is black, and messy. :)


    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 22, 2004
  4. DGB

    Randolph Guest

    If the car is an automatic, there is a solenoid as part of the ignition
    lock assembly that will prevent you from removing the key unless the
    transmission is in park. Perhaps this solenoid is getting gunked up and
    sticking in the cold?
    Randolph, Feb 23, 2004
  5. DGB

    DocWilly Guest

    You're on the right track but the problem is actually the position switch at
    the shifter. When it gets stuck, push the shifter forward hard into Park.
    The key will then come out. Get the switch replaced as soon as possible.
    DocWilly, Feb 27, 2004
  6. DGB

    lamont Guest

    spray some wd 40in there and wash out what ever is freezing in there. i
    never heard of grease freezing so i would guess moisture is in there.
    cheapest and easiest thing to do is first spray some wd 40
    lamont, Feb 27, 2004
  7. DGB

    lamont Guest

    you guys should advise him to try wd 40. then try a product like gunk
    penetrating oil. then try a new key, then try the hard stuff.
    lamont, Feb 27, 2004
  8. DGB

    Tony Hwang Guest

    WD40 is solvent. Not a good choice. Use graphite drops out of small
    tube. Any parts store has it. Also make sure front wheels are straingt
    not turned when parked.
    Tony Hwang, Feb 28, 2004
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