hesitation '89 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Jean L, Jul 12, 2003.

  1. Jean L

    Jean L Guest

    I have an '89 Accord 4 cyl carburetor.

    For the past couple of weeks I have noticed that it hesitates after being
    shut off for a few minutes and then restarted. The hesitation occurs in the
    1200 to 2400 RPM range but disappears when the throttle is opened up. It
    takes about 5 minutes for the hesitation to stop.

    Just in the last couple of days it has started to hesitate in the same RPM
    range at all times. When RPMs rise about 2400 the hesitation goes away.

    The hesitation is felt as very brief losses of power.

    Any suggestions?


    Jean L, Jul 12, 2003
  2. Jean L

    Jason Faas Guest

    Perhaps a vacuum advance mechanism is sticking or a butterfly in your carb
    is doing the same. I'd start with the carb.

    Jason Faas, Jul 12, 2003
  3. Jean L

    Belgian Guest

    First of all, change both of your fuel filters, then if that does not solve
    the problem, check all the rest of the tune-up parts, and then .........
    open your carb, and cleen it all out, relatively easy to do !
    If you fuel filters are clogged, check you filler pipe, sometimes they are
    really rusted, i have seen many with holes in them !!!
    Belgian, Jul 12, 2003
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