hesitation problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ddornfes, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. ddornfes

    ddornfes Guest

    My 1.5l del sol developed a low rpm hesitation. The engine is fine when
    first started and cold. Once it warms up, I get a rough idle and
    hesitation up to 2600-2800 rpm in all gears. Once it gets higher than
    this rpm, the engine magicly regains full output. Its like flipping a
    switch. I replaced the coil,cap, fuel filter, and sprayed the throttle
    body with approved cleaner. I also put in injector cleaner. What else
    should I check?
    ddornfes, Dec 23, 2004
  2. ddornfes

    mmdir2002 Guest

    IT's normal. My car do that all the time. I have no problem with
    hesitation and rough idle. YOur relacements did not help it.
    So just drive it. It is not going to hurt you and your car.
    There is no way you get a 100% perfect car.
    mmdir2002, Dec 23, 2004
  3. ddornfes

    m Guest

    wrote in @f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com:
    try having the egr ports cleaned out. also check the air filter and fuel
    filter too. I doubt they are the culprits but it never hurts to check
    m, Dec 23, 2004
  4. It sounds like you have done everything except adjust the valves. You may
    want to try this next. You could have a partially plugged catconverter. You
    would feel as if the engine will not reach higher rpms like it should. Hook
    up a vacuum gauge and rev up the engine. If your vacuum gauge shows a
    pressure build up at higher rpm's this could be the problem.
    Michael Simon, Dec 25, 2004
  5. oil

    Brown the meat and some chopped onions, peppers, and garilic in olive oil,
    place in baking dish, layer with vegetables seasoning and butter.
    Bake at 325° for 30 - 45 minutes.
    Serve with hot dinner rolls, fruit salad and sparkling water.

    Bébé Buffet 1

    Show off with whole roasted children replete with apples in mouths -
    and babies? heads stuffed with wild rice. Or keep it simple with a
    hearty main course such as stew, lasagna, or meat loaf.

    Some suggestions

    Pre-mie pot pies, beef stew, leg of lamb, stuffed chicken, roast pork spiral ham,
    Cranberry pineapple salad, sweet potatoes in butter, vegetable platter, tossed salad with tomato and avocado, parsley new potatoes, spinich cucumber salad, fruit salad
    Bran muffins, dinner rolls, soft breadsticks, rice pilaf, croissants
    Apple cake with rum sauce, frosted banana nut bread sherbet, home made brownies
    Iced tea, water, beer, bloody marys, lemonade, coffee

    The guests select food, beverages, silverware... everything from the buffet table.
    They move to wherever they are comfortable, and sit with whoever they choose.
    Provide trays so your guests will not spill everything all over your house from
    carrying too much, nor will they have to make 10 trips back and fourth from the
    service stations.

    Roast Leg of Amputee

    By all means, substitute lamb or a good beef roast if the haunch
    it is in any way diseased. But sometimes surgeons make mistakes,
    and if a healthy young limb is at hand, then don?t hesitate to cook
    it to perfection!

    1 high quality limb, rack, or roast
    Potatoes, carrot
    green onions
    salt, pepper, etc
    2 cups beef stock

    Marinate meat (optional, not necessary with better cuts).
    Season liberally and lace with garlic cloves by making incisions,
    and placing whole cloves deep into th
    Michael Simon, Dec 25, 2004
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