"High mileage" motor oil

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pete from Boston, Jul 16, 2004.

  1. Pete from Boston

    Rex B Guest

    ||We buy both labels direct from SOPUS by the trailerload.
    ||We pay 8 cents MORE for the Pennzoil than the Quaker State in that weight.
    ||Texas Parts Guy

    Texas Parts Guy
    Rex B, Jul 22, 2004
  2. Like I said, lead was blamed. Every engine, however, produces combustion
    by-products and oil is not very selective at what it disperses.
    Yeah I found that article too and I believe there are quite a few modern
    aero engines which run quite happily on unleaded... even mogas.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 22, 2004
  3. Pete from Boston

    y_p_w Guest

    As a followup, I tried looking for the infamous Castrol NA Syntec
    MSDS sheets. They have several, but they all seem to have the same
    listings. The main ingredient is "synthetic hydrocarbons", but that
    seems to run the gamut of different things listed as "may contain one
    or more of the following". I looked up the CAS numbers to figure out
    what they are (the Castrol NA MSDS sheet isn't specific):






    CAS # 92062-09-4: slack wax (petroleum), hydrotreated

    ** ** **

    So - they seem to leave room for the possibility of using PAO as
    one of their base oils. I've heard something to the effect that
    some of the 0W-30 oil that Castrol NA sells is the real PAO/ester
    oil that is made in Germany and approved for extended drain use
    by Mercedes-Benz.
    y_p_w, Jul 26, 2004
  4. You've really been digging out a links on this - thanks for posting them.
    The "solvent-refined heavy paraffinic" must be for mixing into a
    semi-synthetic - no? That's just good ol' "dino-oil" and has no place in
    anything which is touted as "synthetic". Note also that in their
    "confession", http://www.castrolusa.com/syntecresponse.htmlCastrol, claims
    that Mobil sells hydroisomerized basestocks as synthetic in Europe and
    other markets.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 27, 2004
  5. Pete from Boston

    y_p_w Guest

    My guess? It sounds to me like they've written up a single universal
    MSDS for all their Syntec oils. I do seem to recall that synthetic
    motor oil makers have a bit of leeway in that additive packages may
    come in a "carrier" composed of conventional oil. That being said,
    I'd think that Mobil or some big company could use a synthetic oil
    for that purpose.

    BTW - I was also curious about Syntec Blend. Its list of oil
    ingredients is much longer.


    Here are the CAS#:
    64741-88-4; 64742-54-7; 64742-65-0;
    72623-84-8; 72623-87-1; 72623-86-0;
    72623-83-7; 72623-85-9; 151006-60-9

    As for why I did all this - I was just bored, and thought I might be
    able to lean something.
    y_p_w, Jul 28, 2004
  6. Pete from Boston

    Des & Co Guest

    Sounds to me like you aren't enjoying your capitalism.
    Des & Co, Jul 28, 2004
  7. And just WTF are you to be commenting on my enjoyment of capitalism - some
    anonymous fuckin' Usenet sniper? Rules *were* bent to accomodate the
    petro-incest both in your 4th Reich... as well as here in the U.S. That's
    on top of the bureaucraic meddlers who brought us the disaster known as
    reformulated gasoline. No reflection on capitalism is warranted.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 28, 2004
  8. Pete from Boston

    SoCalMike Guest

    its great, when you have a bunch of smaller companies getting together
    to be able to compete better with the huge companies. that way, you have
    economy of scale, and prices come down.

    but what we have HERE is huge companies combining, and becoming huger.
    thats not good. and neither party seems to care.
    SoCalMike, Jul 29, 2004
  9. Pete from Boston

    Sparky Guest

    George Macdonald wrote:

    I thought the 4th Reich *was* the US???
    Sparky, Jul 29, 2004
  10. Oh Christ - another fearless, anonymous Net-sniper.

    Well no, our "leaders" are still elected. Though the results and process
    have become degraded over the years, there is a guaranteed mechanism to fix
    current flaws.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 30, 2004
  11. S'what happens when you put the most reviled, least productive sector of
    society in charge.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 30, 2004
  12. Pete from Boston

    Sparky Guest

    Take a pill & relax, George. Did you consider the post I replied to (or
    did you think it was well stated and to the point)?
    Sparky, Jul 30, 2004
  13. Pete from Boston

    Des & Co Guest

    Yup, that's true. Take any dozen people each with 200 million to spend and
    one of them will get elected.

    Anonymous I may be but I'm careful not to insult people from cover. Your
    "sniper" comment was inaccurate, as was your description of Canada as
    "Canuckistan" and (I take it) Germany as "The 4th Reich". I'm not German nor
    am I in Germany but let me tell you that both Canada and Germany are damn
    fine nations and their leaders are a lot better respected than are the
    leaders you are presently following. As the USA we all loved turns slowly
    into a war-fighting banana republic your people struggle under tremendous
    tax burdens while huge entities like Enron rob you of your futures and
    housewives duped by Martha Stuart watch her go to jail. How many times must
    the edge of the veil be lifted before you actually notice that every time it
    is lifted a horriffic scene of corruption and true treason is revealed?
    You've allowed your manufacturing base to be exported, much of it to China
    (save for weapons, of course) and yet can never imagine a rupture in the
    world's financial infrastructure which will prevent you from repatriating
    the profits from your investments. Your NYSE has climbed 46% in a year, and
    that's far too much good news. A crash is a certainty. Pretty soon you'll
    get your next lesson on how much better you are than your neighbours.
    You'll end up _dreaming_ of working in "Canuckistan" or any other of those
    nations you've invented filthy names for.
    They'll be pleased to meet people from a superior race.
    Des & Co, Jul 30, 2004
  14. Hey your'e the one who was unrelaxed enough to butt in and let off another
    anonymous brain-fart. If you can't put a name to your challenges they're
    empty - no credentials.... yer shootin' blanks uhh, Sparky????
    Mine?... of course!!

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 31, 2004
  15. Ah so it was a previous post which got up your nose - you should have
    challenged then... it was just banter son... and you "take it" wrong: the
    4th Reich I'm referring to is the Europe ruled by the EC (European
    Commission in case you are unaware). Maybe you enjoy being ruled by a
    bunch of pompous, self-regarding, corrupt, *unelected* "high officials".
    If it ain't fascism by committee, it's a pretty damned good

    Both small potatoes in the light of the $1billion hole of unaccounted for
    "expense" in the Euro-bureacracy last year. Isn't it considered normal to
    expect a *higher* standard of fiscal behavior from govt. errr, "officials"?
    Profit is not supposed to be a motive for participation... I thought
    anyway.;-) Lift your own veil!
    You really should have calmed down before writing wishful twaddle. Get
    around and read a bit - get yourself informed instead of falling over for
    the Dan Blathers of the media. They're only selling "seats".

    As for certainty of an impending crash, I've been hearing that one for most
    of my life - maybe one of those days it'll be right... but then again, any
    new challengers to the established economic system seem to have such an
    aptitude for buggering things up themselves.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 31, 2004
  16. Pete from Boston

    Des & Co Guest

    Yes, Americans do fear the EU don't they?!
    It's so good to see that!
    Des & Co, Jul 31, 2004
  17. A billion dollar hole? Bush's "budget" digs one of those every 19

    Of course that doesn't begin to measure the true cost. For example;
    All of the billions spent on Iraq do not include the costs borne by
    the families when their sons, daughters, wives and husbands are killed
    or maimed or simply out of the country for a year at a time. I think
    it was on NPR where I heard of the family who were financially,
    emotionally and retirementally ruined when their 19yo son came
    permanently attached to a respirator. That is what is known as
    externalizing your costs.

    My question is this. If you have to have a budget and appropriation
    for dollars to be spent on military adventurism, why don't you need
    same for the number of soldiers you are going to leave crippled and
    killed. If W thinks that the current carnal (as opposed to fiscal)
    expenditure is justified, let him get it through the (Republican
    controlled) legislature.
    Gordon McGrew, Jul 31, 2004
  18. Pete from Boston

    Sparky Guest

    Jesus, George, how can you post this with a straight face after what the
    Bush administration has done the past 4 years??!! "Higher standard" - LOL!
    Sparky, Jul 31, 2004
  19. Pete from Boston

    Sparky Guest

    You're not that dense.

    It really torques you off (on topic, heh) when anyone disagrees with
    your standard rightwingnut boilerplate (which is why I dropped out of
    this NG for a while).
    Sparky, Jul 31, 2004
  20. Pete from Boston

    Sparky Guest

    The Bushies don't answer the phone anymore for only a $billion. They've
    elevated cronyism & corruption to levels Boss Tweed & co. couldn't even
    dream of. Harding's "Teapot Dome" scandal would be a tempest in a teapot
    these days, probably not even make the front page.
    Also the families of guys in their 50's who are being killed in Iraq.
    One guy had to finagle his doc & insurance co. to get 18 months worth of
    his cholesterol & blood pressure medicine before he deployed -
    absolutely heartbreaking (and criminal that this administration is
    sending guys who require cholesterol & blood pressure medicines into
    At the rate the Bushies are cutting veterans' benefits, they see the
    cost as zero.
    Reminds me of a question I've been asking since the fall of 2002 - how
    many names if the Boy King prepared to accept on the Iraq veterans
    memorial? Looks as though it's in excess of 1,000. :(
    Sparky, Jul 31, 2004
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