Highest MPG for Non-Hybrids?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tegger, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    "Environmental costs" are invented and quantified by the capricious whim of
    activists and politicians. They are not true costs.

    Now if you want to remove the SUBSIDIES from petroleum so the TRUE costs
    are reflected in the pump price, I would wholeheartedly agree with that.
    Tegger, Apr 26, 2009
  2. Name 10.

    OK, I'll make it easy: name 5.

    Now name 5 that people want as their sole car, to do everything from
    grocery runs to driving over the mountains and through the snow to see
    their parents/children, or to take their children to see grandma.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Apr 26, 2009
  3. You need to google on this. Chevron, Exxon and the like pay a lot of
    money in several ways to cover environmental costs.
    honda.lioness, Apr 26, 2009
  4. Why isn't one enough? Make sense or be ignored.
    honda.lioness, Apr 26, 2009

  5. Thank You for an ounce of sanity here.

    "The sky is falling" zealots have move far beyond environmentalism on to
    promoting the same as a religion.

    Just to balance things out, I think I'll go for a forty mile drive in my
    '55 President sedan that only gets about 25mpg...


    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 26, 2009

  6. I think that is what he's saying... The associated "environmental"
    costs are unneeded add ons encouraged by government etc.

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 26, 2009
  7. Tegger

    Pszemol Guest

    Jim, what's your problem?
    Pszemol, Apr 26, 2009
  8. Tegger

    Pszemol Guest

    Really? Now you use one gallon for every mile you drive.
    If you move out of the city and start living in the mountains
    you will not use any oil, so it will reduce oil use :)
    Pszemol, Apr 26, 2009
  9. Follow the money....always follow the money.

    Sure, there are plenty of kookbiscuits to beat the shrubs, but the guy
    handing out the bats has a financial interest and nothing BUT a
    financial interest.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Apr 26, 2009
  10. If it's an "EASY matter" then there must be choice involved.

    If there's no choice involved--that is, if there's only one--then it's
    not easy. It's like Russia during the cold war. You want something?
    We have one--whether you like it or not.

    Now YOU make sense or be ignored. Name 5 coupes/sedans that get 35mpg
    or more. We'll start with the easy part.

    Then we'll move on to "name 5 that people want as their sole car".
    Because as you know, it doesn't make sense to have more than one car.
    You buy the one that makes the most sense overall for your situation,
    and which minimizes to the greatest degree your need for renting or
    borrowing something different to do a specialized task.

    Now, make sense or be ignored. (My guess is you're already being
    ignored plenty.)
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Apr 26, 2009

  11. This is not what I am saying. Oil spills and damage done by drilling
    are very expensive. U.S. companies pay a lot by way of better
    equipment and better planning to minimize both. Reason: Paying up
    front is less than what it would cost otherwise.
    honda.lioness, Apr 26, 2009
  12. So one is enough.
    honda.lioness, Apr 26, 2009
  13. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    What's currently accepted as "environmentalism" IS a religion. Like any
    other religion, it's based on emotion and fear, and not much else.

    Spew some blue smoke for me, huh?
    Tegger, Apr 26, 2009
  14. Tegger

    Joe Guest

    Sure. And every penny of those costs is passed down to the consumer.
    With markup. Oil companies do not provide charity.
    Joe, Apr 27, 2009
  15. Tegger

    jim beam Guest

    most of that is political fiction. they get massive development and
    resource depreciation write-offs that completely out-weigh any weeny
    gesture to environmental impact.
    jim beam, Apr 27, 2009
  16. Tegger

    Leftie Guest

    As long as you don't mind your own grandchildren spitting on your
    Leftie, Apr 27, 2009
  17. Tegger

    Leftie Guest

    Five years ago it was "global arming is a hoax." Now it's
    "environmentalism is a religion." I'm not exactly young, but at least
    I'm not perpetually bringing up the rear, and looking backwards to boot...
    Leftie, Apr 27, 2009
  18. Nope.

    Make sense or be ignored.

    You still haven't come up with EVEN ONE, let alone 5, let alone 5 that
    people would actually buy.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Apr 27, 2009
  19. Tegger

    Philippe Guest

    Leftie a écrit:
    the lower with an european toyota corolla diesel (1l4 engine 1NDTV)
    was 65mpg on a hot day, a 80km trip maximum speed 90km/h on high way.

    the usual is 55mpg
    Philippe, Apr 27, 2009
  20. Tegger

    jim beam Guest

    wow, that's pretty sippy.
    jim beam, Apr 28, 2009
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