Discussion in 'Accord' started by Chop, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. Chop

    Chop Guest

    Hello, I have a 1990 Honda Accord EX that six months ago gave me a
    hard time starting. Turnes over great put wont start. If I try it a
    few time then it would start and run just fine. This week the problem
    has come back.
    I let it sit at work for the day hot weather wont start right away but
    after a few tries it starts and again runs great.
    Have changed fuel filter, plugs

    Any Ideas??

    Chop, Jul 7, 2008
  2. Chop

    dgk Guest

    Igniter? I have a 91 Accord, see this post:
    dgk, Jul 7, 2008
  3. Chop

    Elle Guest

    Like dgk suggested, the main relay is a strong candidate for
    replacement or possibly repair. See
    Elle, Jul 7, 2008
  4. Chop

    motsco_ Guest


    That's the main relay. Until you get around to fixing it, you can turn
    the key to position II and smack the dash with your left fist. You'll
    hear the fuel pump run for two seconds and the car will now start.

    motsco_, Jul 7, 2008
  5. Chop

    jim beam Guest

    hot weather + no-start = main relay.

    don't waste your money changing the fuel filter on a honda. i've yet to
    see a single one that actually needed it.
    jim beam, Jul 9, 2008
  6. Chop

    David Guest

    It is either the main relay or the coil going bad, most likley the main
    relay. Next time it want start, open the drivers door an hit the dash on the
    side. If it is the main realy it will most likey unstick and start. You
    should repalce it asap.
    David, Jul 10, 2008
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