Honda 1990 Accord EX

Discussion in 'Accord' started by BHakta Ram, Jul 19, 2003.

  1. BHakta Ram

    BHakta Ram Guest

    Hi All:

    Honda Accord 1990 EX

    I have the above and for the last year(although it was gone for a few
    months... i experienced the problem last year @ around same time) I
    have been having a
    problem. Every few days the thing won't start mainly when it has been
    driven and parked up for a few minutes or when i am trying to get back
    after work.

    Turn key and S (sport mode light flashes). I have read in the groups
    this could be a problem with TCU/ECU/Speed Sensor Problems but the
    speedometer works fine.

    I Leave it for few minutes(15-30min) and try again starts first time.

    Any one got any ideas. Once it is running it drives fine. Is it a
    problem with
    electrical circuits being shorted....sometime my CD player in the car
    does not work.

    BHakta Ram, Jul 19, 2003
  2. BHakta Ram

    Steve Arndt Guest

    I have this problem also with a 90ex. Did you ever get it resolved?
    Steve Arndt, Jul 20, 2003
  3. BHakta Ram

    Mac White Guest

    This sounds like your mail relay. It will cost about 60.00 from an
    aftermarket dealer and it is located under the dash up against the
    left fender.
    Mac White, Aug 5, 2003
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