honda (88) accord (dx) locked in park

Discussion in 'Accord' started by bottledoctor, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. bottledoctor

    bottledoctor Guest

    Only 75k on this oldie. However, drove it into my driveway friday evening
    & all was normal. Wife went out sat am & engine fired up fine, steering
    wheel released, BUT she couldn't get the trans out of park.. I removed
    the front console cover & removed the shift adjuster lock pin. The shift
    lever mech is working fine but that shift cable seems to be frozen..
    Can't move car very easy with it stuck in park.. I do have the thick
    silver Honda SHOP manual for the 88 auto & so far i've found nothing on
    my problem. Just lots of FINE diagrams & info on near everything
    BESIDES the problem i have with Trans locked in park..
    I haven't been able to move car for a month now..It has been very hot
    here & getting under car with it parked on big gravel is kinda
    difficult.. However, i've been under there & shift cable looks fine..
    I removed the cover where shift cable enters the trans. this being
    an 88 accord (DX) you cannot see the end connections of the shift
    cable after removing the single bolt & dust cover where the shift
    cable enters the transmission housing.
    CAR is on 4 blocks with all wheels free.. The front wheels are
    free & they rotate in opposite directions when either is manually
    turned. Saw some info on the internet that pointed
    toward some safety interlocks on other models as respects rear
    lights so i checked out all rear light functions & all worked fine..
    To bypass the shift locked in park it mentioned using the key to
    unlock the shift lock.. Sounds good but there is no shift lock
    release unlock mechanism on this model 1988 ACCORD (DX)..
    SO anyone out there got new ideas that i need to look at.. ITS
    no fun owning a nice Honda STUCK IN PARK... I need some new leads
    please...GIMME a ph # & i'll call you. thx guys, jim
    bottledoctor, Aug 25, 2005
  2. bottledoctor

    Randolph Guest

    bottledoctor wrote:

    Including the brake lights?
    Randolph, Aug 26, 2005
  3. bottledoctor

    B Squareman Guest

    The cable acts as a lever controller for the transaxel control solenoid
    valve. I'd overhualed a few of these transmission valves and notice that
    these valves tend to get stuck. The cable also releases the parking
    paws. Buy any chance that the parking paw mechanisms or the solenoid
    is stuck, you will have to remove the transmission end cover (passenger
    side, the size of the Pope's cap) while the transmission is still in the car
    and a couple engine mount bolts removed. Tilt the transmission downward
    on the passenger side.

    Open the cover. If what ever is stuck you can probably knock it free
    with a light hammer. But if you find that the solenoid valve won't move
    then you will have to overhaul the valve. Don't remember exactly, but
    simply remove a bolt and slide the valve right out. It happens often,
    usually chips of gear metal get lodge in there.
    I doubt that the 88 have a shift interlock device.
    B Squareman, Aug 26, 2005
  4. bottledoctor

    bottledoctor Guest

    Yes, brake lights are working fine..jim
    bottledoctor, Aug 26, 2005
  5. bottledoctor

    bottledoctor Guest

    Brake switch tests out fine also.. jim
    bottledoctor, Aug 26, 2005
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