Honda Accord 1990 EX Fuel Tank Indicator never comes down!!! PLS Help

Discussion in 'Accord' started by rifath, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. rifath

    rifath Guest


    I have my Honda Accord 246,000 and it seems that since this spring
    when i was driving on the highway, my fuel indicator started moving up
    "Full Tank" and when i stop it does not come down anymore. the day
    after when i start it comes down and shows the proper amount of fuel
    and when i drive for about 15 minuits it starts rising to top.

    I also had intermittant starting problems last month and most of the
    time when it was hot weather and i did not have this problem this
    month even when it was hot, also i forgot to mention before that when
    the fuel indicator rises up the car starts misfiering back and forth
    and when i come to a complete stop the engine vibrates and the OIL
    pressure comes on and goes away.

    Today i changed the Main Relay and it did not help much, i still have
    my fuel indicater rising problem, but so far did not get any
    misfireing or vibration.

    i noticed that my check engine light does not work at all even when i
    turn on the ignition without starting.

    Any help will be really apriciated!!

    Thank You
    rifath, Jul 6, 2004
  2. rifath

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Best guess, check your ground wires between battery and chassis, engine
    and chassis, for corroion and / or looseness.

    motsco_ _, Jul 6, 2004
  3. rifath

    rifath Guest

    I noticed that there is no change on misfireing and engine vibration
    when it comes to a complete stop as well after changing the main
    relay. Changed Main Relay last week , since i had intermittant
    starting problems long time ago.

    Can anyone tell me what should be the porlem for the following.

    1) I never get the "Check Engine" Light even when i turn on the
    ignition on without starting.

    2) The Fuel Indicator never comes down even when i turn off the

    3) My Cruise Control does not work, when i press the "SET" i never get
    the light under the dash.

    The fuel indicator is really wired, when i start the car in the
    morning it comes down to the exact level and the car runs very smooth
    no misfire or engine vibration and when the car becomes hot ex: 15
    minuites the fuel indicator rises to the top after that only i get
    this misfiring and vibration.

    Really appreciate you experts help!!

    rifath, Jul 9, 2004
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