Honda Accord 2001 wont start

Discussion in 'Accord' started by gs, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. gs

    gs Guest

    I drove my car to a restaurant to pick up food. I come back in 5 min
    and my car refuses to start back. When i switch my igntion it just
    makes a whining sound and nothing happens. The Battery seems to be ok ,
    as all lamps and indicators are working fine. I also found that the
    audio system got reset as i was trying to start the car. I removed all
    the key from the ignition and the lights were still on. My remote
    locking was not working any more.

    I had wait for a tow guy for a about an hr and the battery went down in
    the meantime.

    What can be the possible causes of this problem.

    The dealer today said it was a low battery, but when the car initially
    was not starting i had all the light and electricals on.

    Would this cause the Audio system to get reset and require the code to
    reentered again.

    Any advive or any past similar experience is appreciated.

    gs, Oct 17, 2006
  2. gs

    Logan Guest

    Sounds typical of low battery-audio system reset and remote locking are
    the clues-you had all lights and electrical s until you tried to start
    Logan, Oct 18, 2006
  3. gs

    gs Guest

    In a way that is right.. but i am worndering that the battery got
    drained in just about 5 min that it was not able to start. if it was
    even as longer as 15 mins maybe. Earlier in the day, i had started the
    car after almost 3 days and it started up fine without any twitching..
    so was wondering if it was some other problem. The dealer has replaced
    the battery and everything seems to be fine now..
    gs, Oct 18, 2006
  4. gs

    Bob Guest

    Sounds like you may have some plates shorted in the battery.
    Bob, Oct 19, 2006
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