Hey first of all thank to everybody who takes time to read this post. I am a student and I have a honda accord 92/135 K. 1. In phoenix, when it is hot, the car does not start in the afternoon. In the night it starts. The mechanic told me its the main relay and if I bang the front door twice, it will start and it did. I looked at the relay and it looks like, something I can change myself. Should I go for a original Honda Relay or I can pick up anything from pepboys? 2. The car runs fine but the AC is not working. Three mechanics have told me that the compressor is leaking. Is there any way to visually verify this? Secondly, one of the mechanics told me that he can overhaul the compressor and make the AC working fro 675$. Should I go for it or should I buy a new compressor which is likely to be more expensive. Any feedback is highly appreciated and once again I thank you for your time. Regards Prashant