Honda accord 92 cpe rain leaks

Discussion in 'Accord' started by ...., Feb 3, 2006.

  1. ....

    .... Guest

    Oh man,

    I have multiple leaks into the trunk of my 92 Accord Coupe. I found the
    biggest one, the runoff from the trunk lip would fill up the taillight
    on the LR outer, and when it got half full it would leak into the
    trunk. OK that's one down.

    Now the hard ones. I have one leak on the left (drivers) side that is
    slow and comes down from the curved stamped section of the car. I
    believe this curve is the curve of the bodywork around the lower left
    corner of the rear window. It is 16 inches forward of the antenna body
    (remove the upholstery) inside the fender above wheel housing. You have
    to climb into the trunk and squeeze your head in nect to the elec.
    antenna and look forward into the fender and above the wheel housing to
    see it. It drips onto the wheel housing and rolls down to leak onto the
    edge of the cardboard that covers the spare. This leak would be coming
    down inside the the left upholstery panel if I still had the panel on.
    It LOOKS like it should be coming from the window so I had the rear
    window removed and resealed at a glass shop. Still Leaking though. I
    removed the left rear swingout window and trim and it's not coming from
    there. Now I have removed the left sidde trunk upholstery, the left
    sided rear shoulder harness cover and the deck speakers and the
    upholstered panel that covers the brake light, rear deck and the brake
    light. I have also run a piece of duct tape from the windshield all the
    way back to the rear window along that drip channel on the left side to
    seal it from the rain jsut in case it was leakin in through there. I
    can't see where it is coming in and it still it leaks.

    The second tuff leak in on the right side. if you look up from under
    the trunk there is a stiffening rib with fairly large holes in it. It
    also contains the trunk light. Now, all the way over to the right ahead
    of the trunk hinge and in the last big hole before you get to the right
    side upholstery a drip is coming out from that hole and falling on the
    trunk carpet just to the inside of the fenderwell upholstery. I can't
    find the source for that one either. I can't find any leaks from inside
    of the passenger compartment. When the rain stops I will tape up that
    seem like I did the left and see if that helps but i doubt it will help.

    Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any ideas?

    This car runs perfect and it is going to be ruined by a silly little

    Thanks all,

    Art D
    ...., Feb 3, 2006
  2. ....

    TeGGeR® Guest


    I'm going to go way out on a limb here, based on my own experiences.

    Set into the roof are two removable black channels. They cover weld and
    sealer seams that Honda used to join the main roof panel and the two edges
    of the roof. With the passage of the years, the sealer cracks, usually at
    the rear edge of the roof seam. Water seeps into the cracks.

    Pop those channels off and have a look at the state of the seams
    underneath. The cracks can be hard to see until you start picking away at
    the paint around the cracks.

    Hope this helps. Leaks can be a major bitch to solve. I'm just thankful
    I've been able to fix all mine. So far.
    TeGGeR®, Feb 3, 2006
  3. ....

    .... Guest

    Thanks T,

    I sealed the outside of the drivers side roof with silver tape to see if if
    would stop leaking but nothing changed. I was afraid to rip those things off
    because I don't know how they are held on.

    No, if the RIGHT hand seam is leaking is there a way for the water to get all
    the way over to the left?

    I think I will silver tape up the right side and see if it helps.
    ...., Feb 4, 2006
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