Honda Accord 93 Engine Code 5

Discussion in 'Accord' started by nizack05, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. nizack05

    nizack05 Guest

    I just rebuilt the engine on my 1993 honda accord. Everything was fine,
    compression timing, ect. I had a bad Idle Air Control Valve, so my car
    was starting up, but dying as soon as the IAC kicked in... So I let my
    car sit for a week, got the part, changed it. Did not touch anything
    else, now all of a sudden my car does not start up. There is no spark.
    I'm getting an engine code now too 5 flashes = MAP sensor, but I'm not
    sure that would make my car not start/spark.
    1. I replaced the distributer
    2. replaced the dist cap.
    3. replaced spark plugs
    4. repalced wires.
    I put the old IAC valve back in, because it was starting (although it
    shouldn't effect a cold engine start).
    My main issue is that my flippin car won't start out of the blue after
    we had it running strong a week ago. I'm at a loss, I ripped this thing
    apart, but cannot figure out why it won't start. Could a bad MAP sensor
    make this thing not fire up?

    -Thanks much.
    nizack05, Jan 3, 2006
  2. nizack05

    KWW Guest

    Hope you get an answer. I appreciate your post because I just put a
    replacement engine in my daughter's '93 Accord and I did not know it has a
    place to get readouts. I believe the "Check Engine" light is because the
    timing is way too advanced at present.
    KWW, Jan 6, 2006
  3. nizack05

    jim beam Guest

    yes, the map sensor is essential if the ecu is to calculate how much
    fuel to inject.
    jim beam, Jan 6, 2006
  4. nizack05

    nizack05 Guest

    Yes if your engine light goes on, there's a little plug by the pasenger
    side door under the glove box on the door side. If you simply take a
    copper wire and jump it, by putting both exposed ends in the plug as to
    connect it to itself, it will give you a read out of the codes. The
    repair manual has a translation for the codes as well.
    nizack05, Jan 26, 2006
  5. nizack05

    nizack05 Guest

    I think we figured out the problem. My car wasn't sparking, but it
    sparked, but it wasn't where it was supposed to. The ground from the
    battery had about 6" of exposed wire that was all corroded, so I think
    I may have fried my ECU, because before when it was starting, it was
    fine. The timing wasn't a problem either, because everything was lined
    up and when we did start it up a week earlier it was running strong.
    Plus now the ecu won't reset and my positive cable looks like it had a
    mini explosion on it. So I replace the ground wire and am waiting to
    find a good deal on an ECU. Until then I just bought another car and
    the engine light came on 3 days after having it... I think my luck has
    run dry.
    nizack05, Jan 26, 2006
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