Honda Accord Bumpers

Discussion in 'Accord' started by jc, Jun 11, 2005.

  1. jc

    jc Guest

    I am amazed at how sensitive the bumpers are to damage. I have two
    black dings in mine and have had no accidents so assume it is from
    something like a shopping cart. The color coordination may be cheap and
    look nice but it's sure not as good as what bumpers used to have. So
    the question is: How do you fix these things?
    jc, Jun 11, 2005
  2. jc

    harrison Guest

    My first order solution was to get a black Accord, dings hardly show at all.

    Beyond that, Honda sells topuchup paint in a bottle with a small brush for a
    fairly low price (remember something around $6US). That will cover the many
    nicks until it is bad enough for you want the whole cover repainted.

    I had a white Volvo previously with a black plastic bumper cover and had the
    same problem, went through lots of touchup paint in the 10 years I had it.

    Dave - 03 Black Accord
    harrison, Jun 11, 2005
  3. jc

    Bucky Guest

    I know! Who decided that to get rid of the black rubber bumpers and use
    painted, integrated bumpers? I can understand for luxury cars, since
    it's a much sleeker look. But for your average economy car, I want my
    bumper to be able to take some bumps!
    Bucky, Jun 12, 2005
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