Honda Accord Diesel Fuel Consumption.

Discussion in 'Accord' started by george, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. george

    george Guest

    I bought one of these recently, a Honda Accord Diesel.
    People who've bought them have complained that they don't achieve
    Honda's quoted consumption. My experience initially in mine was
    similar. I was getting about 42 mpg in mixed driving (British gallons
    I've had the car about 2 months.

    Then I started experimenting. The car is so powerful with such
    acceleration that one is inclined to sink the welly when driving.
    I've found that if you use the highest gear you can, and accelerate
    gently except only when required, that you get much better
    consumption. You say "what's new". It's the degree is what amazes me.

    Last night I drove about 33 miles to a small town outside Cork City
    where I live. Country driving. Driving more or less normally, but no
    hard driving. 55mpg.
    On the way back I used 6th gear a lot and really went for it. My eyes
    popped. 4.2L/100km = 66 mpg. I've never driven a car that could do
    that. My previous car, the excellent Peugeot 406 HDI diesel maxed at
    george, Feb 21, 2007
  2. george

    motsco_ Guest


    Don't want to burst your bubble, (and what I'm suggesting may not be
    possible) but you may be 'tricking' the computer as much as anything.
    The real proof would be to divide the actual amount of fuel used by the
    actual mileage. That's the only real _MPG_ that counts.

    motsco_, Feb 21, 2007
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