Honda Accord engine coolant temperature high

Discussion in 'Accord' started by John Smith, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. John Smith

    John Smith Guest

    I have a 1990 Honda Accord. The coolant temperature, if normal, is
    right at the middle of the gauge. Recently, it has been as high as
    4/5 of the gauge. I took it to a mechanics, thinking I might need
    a new water pump. He checked it, told me the water pump was not
    leaking, and did not change the water pump.

    The thermocouple is fairly new, less than two years.

    What might be wrong?
    John Smith, Mar 12, 2005
  2. It would help to know how it behaves. Does it warm up in about 5 minutes but
    climb steadily to 4/5 scale instead of half scale then level off? Does it
    warm up to half scale, level off, then rise more slowly to 4/5 scale? Is the
    reading steady or does it waver, and if it does, how much and how fast? Does
    it read higher at idle or at cruising speed, or doesn't matter?

    And although it may sound like a dumb question, I suppose the coolant level
    is okay and the coolant isn't disappearing? And the heater does still work?

    All these things help rule out some possibilities and identify the most
    likely suspects.

    Michael Pardee, Mar 12, 2005
  3. John Smith

    jim beam Guest

    and don't check the coolant by looking at the expansion bottle!
    /always/ look inside the radiator after removing the cap.
    jim beam, Mar 12, 2005
  4. John Smith

    J Oat Guest

    did you replace the thermostat with a honda or oem equivalent one ?
    most aftermarket place tend to sell the "regular" thermostat vs honda
    "regular" version ususally failed closed so the engine can get overheat.
    failsafe die open

    if it is a failsafe version than i have no idea other than the coolant might
    be low
    J Oat, Mar 12, 2005
  5. John Smith

    Jason Guest

    I agree with the other posters that told you that the thermostat needs to
    be changed--use a thermostat made by Honda. You should also check the
    radiator water level--when the engine is cold. When I was very young--I
    made the mistake of checking the radiator water when the engine was hot
    and I have NEVER made that mistake again. I only check it in the morning
    before I start the car.
    Jason, Mar 12, 2005
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