honda accord engine problem

Discussion in 'Accord' started by dexue, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. dexue

    dexue Guest

    I own a 99 honda accord. I don't have problem with for almost 6 years.
    Today, when I started engine in parking position, I heard some strange
    noise, sounds like sudden accelerations, tachometer goes from 1000rmp
    to 2000rmp than drops back to 1000rmp, going back and forward. I
    thought something wrong with gas pedal. Then I drived it around, the
    engin noise grow louder.

    Does this indicate a big problem with the engine?


    dexue, Mar 30, 2005
  2. dexue

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Check the oil level, see if the rad is full, and the reservoir should be
    full to the line. Check back if anything isn't where it should be.

    motsco_ _, Mar 30, 2005
  3. dexue

    td Guest

    I agree check all the fluids levels first.
    I would also check airflow sensor which should be somewhere by the air
    filter and idle control sensor I am guessing by the air intake
    I can't really give you good locations but I am sure you can find it
    fairly easy if you look up in manual.
    I own Honda now but my previous car had rough idle and rpm fluctuation,
    cleaning (very careful) airflow sensor with of "windex" and idle
    control sensor with contact cleaner solved the problem (all lot of
    carbon buildup).

    Good luck, hpe it helped
    td, Mar 31, 2005
  4. dexue

    mmdir2002 Guest

    Are you driving a modified honda?
    mmdir2002, Mar 31, 2005
  5. dexue

    mmdir2002 Guest

    Are you driving a modified honda?
    mmdir2002, Mar 31, 2005
  6. dexue

    dexue Guest

    No, it is not modified honda.
    dexue, Mar 31, 2005
  7. dexue

    dexue Guest

    Thanks all of you, I followed your recommend. I found the problem and
    fixed it. It was the tube connecting the reservoir to the radiator
    loosing up, prevent coolant circulation.
    Now The engine runs smoothly again. :)

    Thanks again,

    dexue, Apr 1, 2005
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