HONDA Accord Exr problem....PLEASE HELP

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Devils Advocate, Jan 25, 2004.

  1. Ok here goes.

    I had the car parked somewhere for about 3 weeks not started. Went to get
    the car and it started no problem. Took the car from point A to point B and
    left it there for 3 hours. When to get it and drove for about 3 mins and the
    lights started dimming, sputtering, popping, heater not working, radio cut
    off, etc.

    The the oil light would flash even though the oil level is perfect. She shut
    off,then waited a little while and it started. Made it about 20 feet and it
    acted up again, all similar symptoms of above.

    Also the was another light on the dash with the letter S on it.....whats
    She would not come out of park unless I boosted it and stated it.....because
    I had to get it towed.

    The car will start with a boost no problem.

    The only other problem with car now is she has a new exhaust leak up in
    front somewhere.

    The car has received on time maintenance at Honda Dealer.

    Ok, here's my guess the Altenator!

    Please let me know guys what you think.

    Devils Advocate, Jan 25, 2004
  2. Devils Advocate

    Randolph Guest

    Yes, it is the alternator or the wiring to it or the alternator drive
    Randolph, Jan 25, 2004
  3. and assuming a lack of oil pressure, whats the solution?

    I was guessing that the oil light was flashing because the altenator was not
    charging properly!
    Devils Advocate, Jan 25, 2004
  4. What about the S light?
    Devils Advocate, Jan 25, 2004
  5. Did some research and the S light suppose to mean tranny problems. However,
    the tranny seemed perfect and the only problem with the S light on is that I
    am UNABLE to take the car out of park with the car OFF, I must Boost the
    car/get it started and the car shifts perfect.

    So do u think the S light as something to do with the alternator (assuming
    thats the problem) problem?

    Need input.
    Devils Advocate, Jan 25, 2004
  6. Sorry guys me again.

    The speedometer and tach seems was acting eradicate...up and down. So with
    the S light on along with this problem.....think it may be the speedometer
    cable? Of course along with the altenators......if that is the problem

    Again need input
    Devils Advocate, Jan 25, 2004
  7. Devils Advocate

    Randolph Guest

    I would concentrate on fixing the charging problem first. As it is, your
    system voltage is way too low, and any electrical component in the car
    is likely to behave strangely. You didn't mention what year the car is,
    but Honda has used electronic speedometers for more than a decade. The
    tachometer is also electronic. As you know you can not shift the
    transmission out of park unless you step on the brake. There is a
    solenoid that activates to allow you to shift out of park, but currently
    the voltage is not high enough to operate that solenoid. All this will
    clear up once you get the alternator / charging problem fixed.

    I can not explain why a charging problem would cause the oil light to
    flicker. If this continues after you get the charging problem fixed, you
    need to look in to the oil pressure problem as well.
    Randolph, Jan 25, 2004
  8. Devils Advocate

    Randolph Guest

    You did not mention anything about your alternator warning light. Is it
    on? Is it conceivable the it is the alternator light that was
    flickering, not your oil light?
    Randolph, Jan 25, 2004
  9. Oil light was flickering not altenator.
    the battery light was staying on as well.
    And the S light of course.....geez I need there were so many lights I needed
    sunglasses to look at the dash..hehe.

    Anyways, is it difficult to remove the Altenator?
    I am going to deal with that problem first, and perhaps then the others will
    just poof...go away.

    I am in Newfoundland canada....more particular St.johns.
    We have a severe blizzard here now, so removing the altenator is not
    important as removing the snow.

    Check out to see our weather conditions here.
    Devils Advocate, Jan 25, 2004
  10. Devils Advocate

    Randolph Guest

    St. Johns? That's about 48° north, right? I was born at about 59° north
    but I find the climate much more agreeable in California.

    On some Accords you need to remove one of the drive shafts in order to
    be able to change the alternator, but I don't know if that applies to
    your model. I would first check that your alternator belt is in good
    shape and properly tightened. Then check that the heavy gauge wiring
    from the alternator to the under-dash fusebox is in good shape. On some
    alternators you can remove and inspect the brushes without removing the
    alternator. If that is the case with yours, it would be worthwhile to do
    before replacing the alternator.
    Randolph, Jan 25, 2004
  11. ok.
    I will be rebuilding the alternater for 80 with a 6 month warranty as
    apposed to replacing it with another.

    thanks again
    Eh, one guy emailed me and stated " my guess is it is your battery not
    holding charge, Honda altenators are normally good for 150k miles." What do
    you think of that?
    Devils Advocate, Jan 25, 2004
  12. Devils Advocate

    Randolph Guest

    If you have a battery with several shorted cells you could get a
    situation where even a working alternator would not be able to maintain
    sufficient system voltage. This is rare. You said you could start the
    car and run for a short while before it stopped, and then after a short
    while you could restart the car and run for another short period of
    time. This is typical of lack of charging, not of a bad battery.

    Another point is that your battery is now deeply discharged and you are
    in a cold climate. If you have a battery charger, you should recharge
    the battery to avoid damage to it.

    Check the trivial things like belts and cables before you buy a rebuilt
    Randolph, Jan 26, 2004
  13. Devils Advocate

    T. Nelson Guest

    You did not mention the year the car was made. If it still under warranty,
    take it to a Honda dealership and have them repair the problem. If it's
    not under warranty--my guess is a bad battery or bad alternator or
    problems related to wiring. I agree with one of the other posters related
    to the alternator light--if you have a bad alternator, it' my guess that
    the alternator light should have come on. The alternator and battery
    should be checked and you should replace the one that is defective.
    T. Nelson, Jan 26, 2004
  14. a new alternator maybe the bateri is scrap by now check this!!

    Eric Fournelle
    Alarme-O-Tech, Jan 26, 2004
  15. Devils Advocate

    Robilious Guest

    Just a guess, I suspect it's cold there now.

    Carefully check to see if the battery fluid may be frozen, or if there
    is any. If the battery suffers from either, the car will start with a
    boost. But, the battery will quickly place a load on the charging
    system and in 10 - 20 minutes (if the car finishes it's journey) it
    won't start.

    The fact that your car runs after a 3 hour rest is puzzling, are you
    charging it during this time?
    Robilious, Jan 27, 2004
  16. Car was perfect......had it parked for 3 weeks and went to get it and
    started perfect......drove it to a place left it for 3 hours, came out car
    was perfect.....after driving for 3 mins thats when all the problems
    began......from that point on the car would not start at no point in time
    unless boosted, at which time the car started perfect.

    I am going to buy a new battery today and see if that will resolve the
    problem. If thats not it, I will try altenator.

    I will keep you posted.
    Devils Advocate, Jan 27, 2004
  17. Devils Advocate

    BOB Guest

    You say that the car was unused for three weeks, perhaps the three little mice
    had a feast on your electric wiring and maybe even a nest in your alternator.
    It's worth a look
    BOB, Jan 31, 2004
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