honda accord lx

Discussion in 'Accord' started by pabloonya, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. pabloonya

    pabloonya Guest

    i have a 1988 honda accord lx im having a problem getting it started it
    did this before and i took it to the shop. they changed the distibitor
    cab,put in new points and it was running fine now its doing the same
    thing. i looked at the spark plugs and they are look burnt with a black
    coloring. when i try to start it,it just keeps turning over. one is
    thinking it might be the timing chain thats went bad. it has about a
    hundred thou on it and before i spend more money ant help with this
    problem would really help. thank u in this matter pabloonya
    pabloonya, Dec 28, 2005
  2. pabloonya

    Elle Guest

    How old (miles and years) are the spark plugs? Are they
    genuine Honda parts?

    Same questions for the ignition wires, and distributor

    Is the new distributor cap a genuine Honda one?

    If you don't know, replace all of the above with genuine
    Honda parts. (People have tried non-genuine parts in the
    ignition and posted here. They don't last as long and are
    detrimental to the ignition coil, IMO.)

    Check for spark. See for how to do

    Side note: This car has points? I checked Majestic's parts
    site, and two distributors come up for this Accord. One
    shows something called an igniter but that looks more like
    points (but I've never had points in my hand in my life;
    just going from rough memory of pictures). Over $150. The
    other shows the usual electronic igniter (also for over

    Majestic also says the 88 has a main relay. It's under "Fuse

    If English isn't your first language, work hard to be clear
    in subsequent communications, or else people may stop
    responding because they can't figure out what the heck you

    1988 honda accord lx im having a problem getting it started
    Elle, Dec 29, 2005
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