Honda Accord Problem

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Trying to Help, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. (Repost)

    Need some advice:

    My 91 Accord - Both arrows on my dash board would light up, looking
    like hazard signal, when I choose either right/left turn signals. I
    checked outside of car, everything is functional and correct. It looks
    to only be the instrumentation panel, and could come and go with no
    pattern. My long beam indicator would also not come on.

    Any ideas?
    Trying to Help, Dec 21, 2004
  2. My first thought was that your hazard switch/relay was buggered somehow,
    but since the lighting outside the car is correct, and since you have
    another instrumentation problem, I would probably start by pulling the
    instrument cluster out and inspecting it or the wiring MPC that plugs in to
    the back of it.
    Cluster: bent/corroded pins? If you dig into it a bit, you could also
    inspect the PCB inside of it looking for cracked traces or other corrosion.
    MultiPointConnector on wiring: look for corroded contacts, look for any
    damage to the wires or the sheathing (harness) that holds the wires in a

    If you want, email me directly and I'll send you some info on the wiring
    schematic (Helm) if it's relevant.


    P.S. What trim level do you have (DX/LX etc.), is it an auto/manual, 2door
    or 4door, or wagon?
    Arthur Russell, Dec 22, 2004
  3. Trying to Help

    Graham W Guest

    It is probably a lost chassis (return) connection which is common
    to both panel lights. The current for (say) left turn can't get to chassis
    so it flows up the right turn bulb and into the (not) live side of the
    right turn lamps wiring. The very much lower resistance of the 21+ watt
    filaments effectively returns the current to chassis without even barely
    lighting up.

    Graham W, Dec 22, 2004
  4. Trying to Help

    Aussierolf Guest

    Hi, if both, the high beam and the indicators are on the same stork,
    the stork is definetely the problem. Trust me, I am an
    Aussierolf, Dec 23, 2004
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