Honda Branded Anti Freeze: Necessary ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob, May 22, 2010.

  1. Bob

    Bob Guest


    How necessary in your expert opinions is it to use Honda branded
    anti-freeze ?

    The 50-50 % Prestone stuff they sell says that it is O.K. for "all and
    any" cars.

    True ?

    Bob, May 22, 2010
  2. Bob

    pws Guest

    I'm not sure that there are any true experts here...... ;-)

    Even "professional" mechanics will have different answers to this
    question, ranging from "it's all the same stuff", to "use anything but
    the Honda brand at your peril".

    When I am purchasing a used car, I check to see how often the coolant
    was changed.
    The brand of fluid does not concern me, and I have been using Prestone
    and similar brands without issue in all of my motor vehicles for almost
    25 years.

    pws, May 22, 2010
  3. Bob

    jim beam Guest

    if you need proof that coolant quality matters, read this:

    further reading:

    all this said, a quality non-silicate coolant, with a good corrosion
    inhibitor package, with de-ionized water, should be safe enough. if you
    don't /know/ it's non-silicate, and you don't /know/ it has a good
    corrosion inhibitor package, sticking with the manufacturer brand is the
    guaranteed safe way to go.
    jim beam, May 22, 2010
  4. Bob

    pws Guest

    That makes sense to me. Thanks for the links and information.

    I have always used a major brand over the econo stuff anyway, which is
    probably a very good thing.

    pws, May 22, 2010
  5. Bob

    Tony Harding Guest

    OEM for me.
    Tony Harding, May 23, 2010
  6. Bob

    Brian Smith Guest

    The smart decision.
    Brian Smith, May 23, 2010
  7. Bob

    Howard Guest

    One problem that may occur: In the highly unlikely problem of a water pump
    failure or other cooling system failure your warranty claim for repair may
    be declined due to use of non-recommended fluids. I think that may be a
    smaller problem considering the damage that may occur if it is not
    Consider that.
    Howard, May 24, 2010
  8. Bob

    MG Guest

    In my anecdotal experience of owning 5 Hondas, your best bet is Honda
    fluids. Motor oil might be the exception.
    MG, May 25, 2010
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