Honda Civic 1994 DX Motor D15B2 loosing power

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Fernando Olea, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. This is actually the problem, everytime i press the gas with third or fourth
    gear and i want to get some speed the car it seems to donthave enought power
    to take off, i have change the PCV Valve , the distribuitor cap and wires
    even the rotor, but nothing happened, i heard something like the valves tik
    tik tik very low sound but it seems to be that, the fuel economy is very
    good, i dont know about the compresion,can someone give me some tips, i am
    going to change the fuel filter in a couple of days but i dont think that is
    the problem that thing.
    Fernando Olea, Jan 9, 2005
  2. Fernando Olea

    djo Guest

    have you tried cleaning the injectors? i had similar problem with D15B1 (70
    HP), and with cleaned injectors it runs like new. okay, like 13-year-old
    new, but still... :)
    djo, Jan 9, 2005
  3. I tried with some special fluid's but i dont really know if are the
    inyectors the problem.
    Fernando Olea, Jan 9, 2005
  4. It is possible the catalytic converter (or other exhaust part) is plugging
    up. The Haynes manual for that covers my daughter's 93 Accord has a test for
    exhaust restriction, using a manifold vacuum guage. She has the manual in
    her car, but the concept is:
    1) note the idle manifold vacuum reading
    2) open the throttle to bring the rpm up to about 2000 rpm
    3) close the throttle and watch the vacuum guage
    If the exhaust is clear, the reading should show more vacuum than at idle
    and return to the idle reading in about 2 seconds. If restricted, the vacuum
    will seem to "hang" where it was and/or gradually return to the idle setting
    after more than 2 seconds.

    The exhaust can also be checked by loosening an exhaust fitting near the
    engine and blowing into the exhaust pipe (remember to wash the soot ring off
    your face!) There should be little resistance to your breath. An old Corolla
    my son had was so blocked it was worse than blowing through a soda straw. It
    idles okay but wouldn't go anywhere any more. A similar check is to compare
    the exhaust feel when you place your hand near the exhaust pipe and rev it
    with a similar car that works, but that won't show up anything but a severe

    Michael Pardee, Jan 9, 2005
  5. I had change the catalytic converter two months ago, after testing the
    motor presure "compresion" and changing the fuel filter i would have some
    Fernando Olea, Jan 10, 2005
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