Honda Civic 2006 Reel

Discussion in 'Civic' started by oakparker, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. oakparker

    oakparker Guest

    My Civic was producing a squeeking noise from behind the steering
    wheel. Since it is still covered by warrenty, I brought it in to the
    dealer to look over. They told me that there was a reel behind the
    steering wheel that was unwinding cable when it shoudn't have. They
    replaced the reel and perhaps the cable. No more noise. Steering is

    Would someone explain what this reel and cable are about? Thank you
    in advance.

    Posted via TITANnews - Uncensored Newsgroups Access-=Every Newsgroup - Anonymous, UNCENSORED, BROADBAND Downloads=-
    oakparker, Apr 30, 2008
  2. oakparker

    NoMoreRGS Guest

    It is reel of ribbon cable for the airbag and controls on the steering
    wheel. It allows the steering wheel make a few complete revolutions
    without wires getting to tight, loose, or twisted while making
    perfect contact. There are no moving contact points like brushes on
    the armature of an electric motor.

    It's not a very exact explanation but probably enough for you to get
    the idea. Hope it helps!
    NoMoreRGS, May 1, 2008
  3. oakparker

    Pangloss Guest

    Maintains electrical contact between switches/buttons on the steering wheel
    (horn, radio controls, cruise control, etc.) and their respective devices.
    Remember, the steering wheel spins so there is a reel with very flexible
    wire wrapped around it. It's called the cable reel.
    Pangloss, May 1, 2008
  4. oakparker

    oakparker Guest

    Thank you all.

    Posted via TITANnews - Uncensored Newsgroups Access-=Every Newsgroup - Anonymous, UNCENSORED, BROADBAND Downloads=-
    oakparker, May 1, 2008
  5. oakparker

    motsco_ Guest

    motsco_, May 1, 2008
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