Honda Civic hood wont close, sits on radiator

Discussion in 'Civic' started by tazeat, May 8, 2007.

  1. tazeat

    tazeat Guest

    I bought a lowered '93 Civic EX 2dr, but the hood has never closed all
    the way, it seems to sit on the top radiator mount (its actually put a
    small dent in the hood where the hood rests on it). Im not sure if the
    radiator was raised or something since its a lowered car or if
    something just got bent from a previous owner, but I am just trying to
    get the hood so it can close all the way (it clicks down, but its
    still got a gap). Well and to prevent the lump forming on the hood
    from growing...

    Here is the gap:

    You can see where it rests on the top of the radiator mount:

    And of course the damage to the underside of the hood:

    Any comments or helpful information would be greatly appreciated!

    tazeat, May 8, 2007
  2. tazeat

    Dano58 Guest

    Only thing I can think of is, is there any adjustment in the latch
    mechanism or the hinges? Maybe it needs to be raised a bit? It sure
    doesn't look like the radiator support (that S-shaped braket) was
    modified, looks original to me.

    Boy, I'd be pretty concerned about any work done on the car. Has it
    been in an accident? I happen to have an open Carfax account, so if
    you want me to run the VIN to check, I can....

    Dan D
    '07 Ody EX
    Central NJ USA
    Dano58, May 8, 2007
  3. tazeat

    tazeat Guest

    Yes the car has been in an accident, its a rebuilt title, the Carfax
    looks terrible. The odometer is off, all sorts of DONT BUY things, but
    its been a great car :). I still cant figure out why its sitting on
    the radiator though. I didnt see anything around the latch that is
    unusual but im not sure how that would make it not sit on the radiator
    tazeat, May 8, 2007
  4. tazeat

    Dano58 Guest

    Well, the only thing that I can think of is either a messed up repair,
    or perhaps the entire front clip is out of alignment. But basically I
    guess you're driving the car with the hood only latched using the
    secondary latch....? I wouldn't drive it too fast - if it lets go and
    flips the hood up, well, that wouldn't be very good! ;-)

    Dan D
    '07 Ody EX
    Central NJ USA
    Dano58, May 9, 2007
  5. tazeat

    tazeat Guest

    Well it does appear to latch down all the way, thanks for the info
    though. Hmm still at a loss at what to do, I have just ignored it
    since i've owned the thing.
    tazeat, May 15, 2007
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