Honda civic Rust control

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Latitude Wizard, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. I scraped the side of my civic last summer on a wall. Then it caught rust.
    I scrapped it off with sand paper and put touch paint all over. Now after 4
    months, the rust is back from under the touch paint with a vengence!!

    Does anyone have any "do it yourself" ideas to my rust control? I know i
    cannot get rid of it..Just looking for effective ideas to control.

    thanks kindly!
    Latitude Wizard, Apr 23, 2005
  2. Latitude Wizard

    TeGGeR® Guest

    First you needed to neutralize or sand off ALL that rust (Naval Jelly or
    other), keping in mind that rust usually extends at least 1/16" under the
    "good" paint. Then you needed to use zinc-rich primer under the new paint.

    Failure to do these things is why your rust came back.
    TeGGeR®, Apr 23, 2005
  3. Latitude Wizard

    remco Guest

    I scraped the side of my civic last summer on a wall. Then it caught
    You could again scrape the paint, sand down the rust, paint it with POR15 (a
    rust inhibitor/converter), sand it, prime it and repaint it. POR15 is not
    cheap, but it all you have to do it is a small spot, it won't break a bank.

    remco, Apr 23, 2005
  4. Latitude Wizard

    remco Guest

    You could again scrape the paint, sand down the rust, paint it with POR15

    One more note: POR15 is a really hard finish paint you you'll want to get it
    as smooth as possible on the first try. Sanding it is hard work.
    remco, Apr 23, 2005
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