Honda Civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Steve, Feb 1, 2004.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    A civic driver is like a special olympics may be fast but
    you're still retarded
    Steve, Feb 1, 2004
  2. Steve

    Chris Guest

    Steve, read this:

    Some of you guys may find the following story somewhat humorous. Monday
    afternoon I was driving this little '89 Civic LX down I-40 East on a solid
    sheet of ice. You couldn't even see any concrete at all on certain stretches
    of the highway that the state hadn't scraped or salted yet. In fact, it had
    snowed about 4 inches first, and then we had about another 1 inch of sleet
    and freezing rain on top of that. I was running about 45 m.p.h. in order to
    try and put some distance between myself and the ignorant redneck that was
    TAILGATING me in a '96 Chevy Blazer 4X4. In the slow lane too--I might add.
    Well, I could see in my rear view mirror that the Blazer driver was all
    hacked off wanting to pass me. So, he whips it over to his left really,
    really quick and gunned it simultaneously. Needless to say that he went into
    a broad slide, and then he whipped it back to the right to try and
    straighten his vehicle out. Well, when he did that, the Blazer did a
    complete 360 and he ended up going down into a ditch backwards! I gave him
    the peace sign in my rear mirror and chuckled as I continued down I-40 in
    the '89 Civic. In a very stable manner I might add. Since the guy had
    tailgated me for about 7 miles straight, I figured that he got what he
    deserved for driving so recklessly in that type of inclement weather. BTW,
    the little Civic was like a snowmobile in those icy weather conditions. It
    never even came close to slowing down or spinning. Not the first time. I
    passed 9 accident scenes with highway patrolmen already there on my way to
    work Tuesday morning. 9 out of those 9 accidents involved SUVs that had
    wiped out with apparently no other vehicle(s) involved.

    J. Perry
    Chris, Feb 2, 2004
  3. Steve

    tomb Guest

    Chris wrote:
    || Steve, read this:

    I doubt "Steve" appreciates or even reads it. Doesn't matter, though. Us
    Civic drivers know what we have and don't need any confirmation by others ;)
    TomB (Civic '88, not wanting to change anytime soon)
    tomb, Feb 2, 2004
  4. Steve

    agent smith Guest

    civics are only over-rated because fools who watched too much fast and
    furious want one. other than that, civics are nice cars. slow when left
    stock, but they can be fixed up :)
    agent smith, Feb 2, 2004
  5. Steve

    HyDr0 Guest

    I have a 91 civic and wouldnt trade it for the world .. great on gas, great
    on the ice and in the snow , a little slow stock but if u fix it up a little
    bit under the hood you can boost the horsepower just dont get retarded like
    smith said and go all fast and the furious on it cuz it cheapens the car in
    a way lol
    HyDr0, Feb 5, 2004
  6. Steve

    John M Glen Guest

    Yeh, like my Type R is retarded ....sheesh!
    John M Glen, Feb 7, 2004
  7. Steve

    HyDr0 Guest

    LOL type Rz are sweet
    HyDr0, Feb 11, 2004
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