honda concerto 1600i new problem!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by borosteve, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. borosteve

    borosteve Guest

    I have already posted about a problem with ALB and now another fault
    has appeared. Sometimes after a journey I turn the ignition off and
    then restart the engine starts up again but is dead rough as though it
    is "missing".If I then drive there is alot of emmisions from the
    exhaust but gradually the engine will return to normal again after
    about 5mins.Starting the engine from cold is never a problem. It is a
    1991/92 honda concerto 1600i and has 140,000 on the clock. Can anyone
    borosteve, Nov 9, 2005
  2. borosteve

    Elle Guest

    Start with checking the coolant level, and then do a purge of air from the
    coolant system, all per the owner's manual. There is a free online owner's
    manual for the Concerto at

    Also, what are the ages of the following?
    spark plugs
    ignition wires
    distributor cap
    distributor rotor
    fuel filter
    air filter

    The oxygen sensor is also something to consider. In the U.S. anyway, a new
    OEM oxygen sensor may be had from online sites for no more than around $50.
    IMO, the thermostat and O2 sensor are both items to consider replacing
    pre-emptively (that is, before failure) for a car your age.
    Elle, Nov 9, 2005
  3. borosteve

    Bozo Guest

    The oxygen sensor is also something to consider. In the U.S. anyway, a new

    Does this car have a cat??
    Bozo, Nov 9, 2005
  4. borosteve

    Bozo Guest

    1991/92 honda concerto 1600i and has 140,000 on the clock.

    Your car lasted longer than the company that built it !!!

    (For those that don't know, UK Concerto's were built by Rover in
    Longbridge for Honda).
    Bozo, Nov 9, 2005
  5. borosteve

    Elle Guest

    The UK site says yup.

    Elle, Nov 9, 2005
  6. borosteve

    Graham W Guest

    This procedure will take 30 mins and is free!

    Take the distributor cap off, mark the wires and take the cap indoors.
    Thoroughly wash it in the bowl with Fairy liquid and then dry it.
    Apply a smidgeon of household furniture wax or, better, beeswax
    to the inside and then polish off.
    Replace and try it out. This one caught me out twice! Details on my site
    in sig below.

    Graham W, Nov 10, 2005
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