Honda Coolant??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by disallow, Aug 21, 2004.

  1. disallow

    disallow Guest

    Hi guys,

    I went down to the dealership today like a good boy and
    asked for Honda Coolant. They asked if I was 'Type 1'
    or 'Type 2'. I had no idea, so I told them I have a 98
    Civic LX. They said 'OK you are Type 2' and gave me NAPA

    I asked 'Why the difference??' and they said that the newer
    models were supposed to use Type 2, which is Honda Premix,
    but that in my car I didn't need that.

    The NAPA fluid is has low (or no) silicate, and is
    phosphate free, so I guess it'll do the trick.

    Any comments though?

    disallow, Aug 21, 2004
  2. disallow

    tflfb Guest

    Go with the pre mix as I did because my dealer said thats all they carry
    anymore. Its great no more mixing with hard water.

    tflfb, Aug 21, 2004
  3. disallow

    Nobody Guest

    Yeah, and it only costs 4x much
    Nobody, Aug 21, 2004
  4. disallow

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Just don't dilute it with anything other than distilled or Reverse
    Osmosis water. Tap water eats stuff when heated above boiling.

    motsco_ _, Aug 21, 2004
  5. disallow

    _chris_ Guest

    really? 4x

    Cdn tire coolant $10
    Honda Coolant $15

    Oh Last time I checked HONDA only fluids except oil are recommended.

    _chris_, Aug 21, 2004
  6. disallow

    L Alpert Guest

    Honda fluids are more then likely made by another manufacturer under
    contract and labeled as Honda. The probability that "Honda" antifreeze
    specifications are much different from, say a Prestone brand, are pretty
    L Alpert, Aug 21, 2004
  7. disallow

    Caroline Guest

    Just chiming in so that the marketplace of ideas is as efficient as possible.

    The probability that Honda antifreeze specs are much different from Prestone is,
    IMO, pretty high.

    This is based on a lot of reading here at the newsgroup and my own experience
    with green Prestone.

    I am currently using Havoline Dex cool (the orange stuff), but I know I'm
    rolling the dice. Almost two years with the stuff (after what I'd call an
    extremely thorough flush)
    and all's well.

    I recommend anyone not handy with cars and who wants to sleep well at night pay
    the extra money and go with the Honda anti-freeze.
    Caroline, Aug 21, 2004
  8. disallow

    L Alpert Guest

    Unless someone can show me that:

    1. Honda systems are vastly different from the rest auto industry
    2. That the actual specs of their fluids are different then other industry
    standards (DOT 3 brake fluid, antifreeze, oils)

    I would not purchase Honda specific fluids. 5-20 weight oil has a minimum
    standard specification that the industry needs to adhere to. Honda oil is
    probably manufactured by Mobile or Quaker State........

    I sleep just fine with off the shelf antifreeze.
    L Alpert, Aug 21, 2004
  9. disallow

    E. Meyer Guest

    Enough people have experienced premature water pump self-destruction by
    using green Prestone that there should be little or no doubt remaining.

    I don't understand why people will spend ten of thousands of dollars on a
    machine and then refuse to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for
    maintaining it.
    E. Meyer, Aug 21, 2004
  10. disallow

    Eric Guest

    My local dealer has Honda premix for $12.78/gal.

    Eric, Aug 21, 2004
  11. disallow

    L Alpert Guest

    There are many alternatives to the Prestone "green" fluid, though over the
    past 30+ years of driving, I have used it, and never had a water pump fail.

    Again, if you wish to pay more for the same basic thing to feel better about
    it, it is a free country. The perception of a benefit is not enough for me.
    L Alpert, Aug 21, 2004
  12. fail.

    30 years of Hondas?
    Steve Bigelow, Aug 22, 2004
  13. disallow

    Nobody Guest

    Yes, but the honda coolant has water in it already so it's the
    cdn tire coolant diluted?
    Nobody, Aug 22, 2004
  14. disallow

    L Alpert Guest

    The majority of them Honda or Toyota.
    L Alpert, Aug 22, 2004
  15. So..."No."

    Steve Bigelow, Aug 22, 2004
  16. So, 30 years of Hondas?
    Steve Bigelow, Aug 22, 2004
  17. disallow

    L Alpert Guest

    Now that made a lot of sense.....I have 3 Hondas right now, and have owned a
    total of 7 of them over the years. How many have you had?
    L Alpert, Aug 22, 2004
  18. disallow

    tflfb Guest



    tflfb, Aug 22, 2004
  19. disallow

    tflfb Guest

    There cheap asses. They step over dollars to pick up dimes.

    tflfb, Aug 22, 2004
  20. disallow

    tflfb Guest

    Honda anti freeze (pre-mix) my dealer $10.

    tflfb, Aug 22, 2004
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