Honda Coolant??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by disallow, Aug 21, 2004.

  1. disallow

    L Alpert Guest

    "30+ years of driving" is the statement.
    L Alpert, Aug 22, 2004
  2. disallow

    _chris_ Guest

    I'm sure you could buy pre-mix Canadian Tire coolant. I don't know. I
    only used Honda Coolant in my 90 Civic HB that I had and my 00 Civic SiR.

    The only stuff I buy for my Honda at Cdn Tire is Oil (Mobil 1) 5w30, and Car
    wax. I only use OEM parts.

    MTF fluid.. recommended - Honda
    Coolant $14.xx ish from Honda (pre-mix). I'm a auto-tech and I much prefer
    pre-mix over the straight stuff.

    Then again $5 Cdn savings over WHAT is recommend vs. possible warranty
    voiding store brand.

    If you go through a lot of coolant then maybe there's another problem. I've
    only have to use maybe about 1/8 of my pre-mix stuff on my civic in 20,000km

    Sure with older DSM (Ford, GM, other) any coolant meeting Manu. specs should
    be ok. Now with ATF fluid there's a whole bunch of types under the sun. IE
    Ford has there own type, etc

    I've seen a few dead water pumps in Hondas when the owner uses whatever the
    cheapest on the market.
    _chris_, Aug 22, 2004
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