Honda CR-V brake failure

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by kodogo, May 19, 2005.

  1. kodogo

    kodogo Guest

    I was recently involved in a low-impact collision while driving a 2004
    Honda CR-V. I hit the back of another car at round 25kph, denting the
    radiator, and immediately after the collision my brakes failed, and I
    had to bring the car to a halt using the parking brake. Shortly
    afterwards, two independent witnesses - one an experienced tow truck
    driver - verified that the brake pedal went straight to the floor with
    no resistance. However, after a few days at the body shop, it seems as
    if the brakes are working normally. Does anyone have any ideas how this
    might have happened? I don't feel safe driving the car in future unless
    I know that the problem has been fixed - does anyone have any
    suggestions what might have happened, and how to approach Honda about
    kodogo, May 19, 2005
  2. kodogo

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Why not ask the body shop what steps they took to fix your brakes? It
    might even be mentioned on the work order.

    motsco_ _, May 19, 2005
  3. The body shop have taken no steps to fix the brakes. The worrying thing is
    that they definitely failed, have possibly come right with no intervention,
    and I'd like to know how this could happen, and how I can be sure it won't
    happen again.
    Debbie Willis, May 20, 2005
  4. kodogo

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Is the reservoir full enough now? (See manual if you're not sure). Does
    the 'BRAKES' lamp pass the test every time you go to start the car?
    Maybe you should sign in, and post your question at .
    Somebody there may have seen the same problem.

    motsco_ _, May 20, 2005
  5. kodogo

    Mike Guest

    Just a thought...could be ...

    If you hit the other car and the engine stopped the power brake function
    would not function. The brake pedal would collapse and go down by several
    inches. The brakes would still work but you would have to press the pedal
    very hard. When the engine is restarted the power brake would return to
    normal. I assume that after bring the car to a stop it was towed to the
    shop. Did the pedal actually go to the floor or did it just drop by a couple
    of inches? Next time you turn of the ignition try doing it with your foot on
    the brake pedal. As the engine dies the pedal will sink.
    Mike, May 24, 2005
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