Honda CRV's tires

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Hai Pham, Sep 17, 2003.

  1. Hai Pham

    Hai Pham Guest

    I am very disappointed with Honda. I don't believe Honda put a very cheap
    tires on Honda CRV-EX. The tread wear is 160, traction rating B and
    temperature rating B. The cheap Toyota Corolla CE has much better tires:
    tread wear 460, traction rating A and temperature rating B.
    I also found out that the power lock button is only at driver side !!!

    Hai Pham
    Hai Pham, Sep 17, 2003
  2. Hai Pham

    mk Guest

    and you need a power lock button on the passenger side because.....?
    mk, Sep 17, 2003
  3. Hai Pham

    Pete Guest

    First of all, as has been pointed out here and in many other places, most
    (if not all) OEM tires aren't all that great.

    Second, having a lower treadwear index is not necessarily bad. It usually
    means the tire is more sticky and has more grip. That 460 tire on the
    Corolla must be spinning like mad when you hit the gas pedal. So what that
    it'll last longer if it ain't got no grip? Therefore, it really depends on
    how you look at it.

    Finally, the traction rating refers to wet traction. It does not tell you
    anything about resistance to aquaplaning (driving through standing water)
    and it does not tell you anything about dry traction.

    Personally, I never buy a new car based on what tires it comes with because
    9 out of 10 times they're crappy anyway and the first thing I do is purchase
    a set of tires of my own choosing.


    Pete, Sep 17, 2003
  4. Hai Pham

    redeyedevil Guest

    I could appreciate what you're trying to say, but in this case the original
    poster is correct. When the tires have a treadwear of 160 AND traction and
    temperature of B and B. They are just bad.

    Fortunately, tires are the easiest part of the car to upgrade.
    redeyedevil, Sep 17, 2003
  5. Hai Pham

    Hai Pham Guest


    I do not agree with you some cars have very good tires and if the traction
    rating is A I think it is OK but lower tread wear and B rating for traction
    compare with 460 tread wear with A rating for traction.
    Hai Pham, Sep 17, 2003
  6. Hai Pham

    Hai Pham Guest


    I agree. Can you upgrade or you have to buy new one. I pay 8K more for Honda
    than Corolla I expect the tires should be decent.
    Hai Pham, Sep 17, 2003
  7. Hai Pham

    Pete Guest

    The OEM Michelins on the Accord are A rated for both traction and temp and
    something around 400 treadwear index, and so what? They're crap. It just
    proves my point about OEM tires.


    Pete, Sep 17, 2003
  8. Hai Pham

    TL Guest

    And what point was that?
    TL, Sep 17, 2003
  9. Hai Pham

    Pete Guest

    That most OEM tires are crap, so it's no use complaining about the stock
    tires on the CRV and saying that tires on a Corolla would have been much


    Pete, Sep 17, 2003
  10. Hai Pham

    Robert Guest

    Try you will find a lot of comments about that
    Robert, Sep 17, 2003
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