Honda dealer wipes out my maintenance records?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dgk, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. dgk

    dgk Guest

    I called my dealer to arrange a service for my 91 Accord, which just
    turned 100,000. The service person says that they don't have any
    records for the car and explained that the system wipes records for
    any car that hasn't be serviced in six months.

    I'm a computer programmer and nothing is cheaper than disk space these
    days, and I could likely fit all of the maintenance records of all the
    Accords in the US on one of my PCs. It just doesn't make any sense
    that they would wipe out stuff.

    I don't do much maintenance of the car at the dealer, but the car was
    originally bought there by the previous owner and I have had it there
    several times. The original owner had all of the maintenance done
    dgk, Jul 9, 2007
  2. dgk

    MLD Guest

    And your question is.............?
    MLD, Jul 9, 2007
  3. dgk

    Brian Smith Guest

    I'll go you one better. I leased my Accord in December of 2000, four
    years later I purchased the car from Honda Canada. The maintenance records
    of the vehicle (in fact its very existence) was wiped out of Honda's system
    due to the privacy laws here. It's a good thing that I have every piece of
    paper regarding the servicing of the car stored in hard copy here at home.
    Brian Smith, Jul 9, 2007
  4. dgk

    bearman Guest

    As a computer programmer, it would be a no sweat job for you to make a
    spreadsheet detailing all the work done on your car. Besides being a backup
    for the idiot dealer, it makes a good selling point when you want to get rid
    of the car.
    bearman, Jul 10, 2007
  5. dgk

    JXStern Guest

    Sounds odd. More likely their disk crashed six months ago and they
    had no backup!


    JXStern, Jul 10, 2007
  6. dgk

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    I had the same thing happen here in N.E.Ohio. I happen to have a
    "lifetime" replacement muffler on my '92 Accord, and the dealer doesn't
    keep records .
    I got a three ring binder, and have kept the originals of ALL the
    expenses for the car. Comes in very handy, and has helped me get three
    free mufflers and one new radiator! bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jul 10, 2007
  7. dgk

    dgk Guest

    Ah yes, the question is, is this normal Honda policy or was I just
    handed a platter of crap?
    dgk, Jul 10, 2007
  8. dgk

    dgk Guest

    There are plenty of programs out there that already do this and I'll
    admit to just being too lazy (I'll be nice to myself and say "too
    busy"). I do keep all the paper and eventually it ends up in a folder.
    It just seems so odd that they "routinely" wipe the records. If so, it
    makes no sense, and if not, then I don't like being lied to. If they
    lie about that, then they'll lie about other stuff.
    dgk, Jul 10, 2007
  9. dgk

    Woody Guest

    Sign up on Honda Ownerlink and see if your service records are there....
    Woody, Jul 11, 2007
  10. dgk

    Art Guest

    Why should a potential buyer believe your spreadsheet. The dealer's records
    and paper records adds value to your car when you go to sell it. A
    spreadsheet prepared by you doesn't. I don't believe the 6 month crap from
    your dealer. With the new built in honda maintenence system, people driving
    new Honda's but putting on low mileage won't be back to the dealer every 6
    months for an oil change. Will their records be wiped out too? Doubtful.
    Art, Jul 11, 2007
  11. dgk

    E Meyer Guest

    I've registered my last two Hondas on ownerlink and no maintenance records
    ever appeared there save the entries I put in it myself. Its no different
    than a personal spreadsheet.
    E Meyer, Jul 11, 2007
  12. dgk

    rick++ Guest

    I keep all receipts and maintenance summaries.
    So each spreadsheet line can be backed up.
    Very simple and accurate.
    rick++, Jul 11, 2007
  13. dgk

    bearman Guest

    Why don't you learn to not top post?

    My spreadsheet, along with the work orders, etc., gives a better picture of
    how I took care of the vehicle. If the buyer chooses not to believe, that's
    their problem.
    bearman, Jul 11, 2007
  14. dgk

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    You haven't dealt with Honda.

    My dealer stores records for much longer, but yours is not related to mine.

    Dealers are independant entities, not a part of Honda.
    Joe LaVigne, Jul 11, 2007
  15. dgk

    Woody Guest

    The dealer just isn't holding up his part of the deal as that is what you
    are paying him for.
    Woody, Jul 11, 2007
  16. dgk

    Guest Guest

    I called one of the local Honda dealers to schedule a maintenance this
    morning, and I had been there for maintenance last year. It sounded
    like they almost didn't want my business. He asked what I wanted to
    do. I said "scheduled maintenance." Then he said "what kind?" and I
    said I had been there a year ago, and he said they don't keep good
    records so they might not know what to do. But finally he said he
    would schedule me and they would look at it. WTH?
    Guest, Jul 11, 2007
  17. dgk

    bearman Guest

    Where are you and who's the dealer?
    bearman, Jul 11, 2007
  18. dgk

    z Guest

    Ask them to prove that you have possession of a car supposedly leased
    from them.
    z, Jul 11, 2007
  19. dgk

    z Guest

    So basically, if you have one oil change not done by them, they erase
    your records of timing belt changes, etc.? Yeah, sure, that makes
    z, Jul 11, 2007
  20. dgk

    Brian Smith Guest

    Anyone that read what I typed, would know that I don't have possession
    of a vehicle that is leased from them.
    Brian Smith, Jul 11, 2007
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