Honda Engine Makes Rattle at 30mph

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Al Franz, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. Al Franz

    Al Franz Guest

    Have a Honda Accord V6 2001. Engine makes a rattle sound when you
    accelerate to around 30 mph, as you go faster it goes away. Most noticable
    when going up hill and pressing the gas, it does not make a noise when
    coasting. Any ideas on what this could be?
    Al Franz, Jun 28, 2005
  2. Al Franz

    RickaTTic Guest

    I have a CRV 4 cyl 2001 doing just about the same thing. It happens
    at 2300rpm and sounds like it is coming from beneath the car. A loud
    rattling at 30, and 55mph when the engine rpm is 2300. Honda dealer
    hears it and cannot locate the source. It's very annoying. If your
    mechanic finds it please let me know.
    RickaTTic, Jun 28, 2005
  3. Al Franz

    Brian Stell Guest

    Sounds exactly like knocking or pre-ignition, AKA pinging.

    Simplest fix may be higher octane fuel.
    Brian Stell, Jun 28, 2005
  4. Al Franz

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Either loose(cracked or rusted) heat shields or a cracked A-pipe
    weld(IIRC,it's a double walled pipe,the inner weld,of course),the pipe from
    the header to the catalytic converter.Some of the heat shields can be
    unbolted and removed.(just don't park in tall grass;fire hazard)
    Jim Yanik, Jun 28, 2005
  5. Al Franz

    Jim Yanik Guest

    If he's using the correct octane,he may have a ignition timing
    problem,advanced or retarded.

    Or a loose heat shield.
    Jim Yanik, Jun 28, 2005
  6. Al Franz

    Brian Stell Guest

    Have a Honda Accord V6 2001. Engine makes a rattle sound when you
    Yes, it could be a sympathetic vibration rattle but
    there are several things here that make it sound more
    like pinging than a vibrating part:

    The noise appears "when you accelerate to 30" as
    opposed to "at ... mph when the engine rpm is ...".


    "Most noticable when going up hill and pressing the gas".

    I'm not sure about the 6th gen accord but I know 7th gen
    has a knock sensor. Supposedly, when there is pinging it
    detects it and the engine control system should retard the
    ignition (but my 2005 v6 pings under similar conditions).
    Brian Stell, Jun 28, 2005
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