Honda FCX Clarity: already a reality in California

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by sjmmail2000-247, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. The first step has been achieved and now only some on-the-road promotion is needed with a few select testimonials. Honda has delivered the first three examples of the FCX Clarity, a hydrogen-powered[...]
    Read More:
    sjmmail2000-247, Jun 20, 2008
  2. sjmmail2000-247

    jim beam Guest

    <snip spam.>

    ok, moron, we know you're a p.r. hack trolling for your masters, and
    trying to stir up some market buzz. well, now you can pay attention to
    some market feedback:

    did you notice how much attention you generated over the last 3 days?
    did you have a hit counter to your link? not exactly overwhelming was
    it! well, that's exactly how much interest there is in the real world
    for hydrogen cars.

    dumb-ass politicians that aren't good at science or math may think it's
    good to be driving around with an energy-sucking bomb in the trunk of
    their car, but the rest of us don't. so tell your masters that they're
    wasting /their/ time and /our/ money promoting bullshit "technology"
    they don't understand. hydrogen is not "free", it's /extremely/ energy
    expensive. and it's extremely dangerous to both handle and have driving
    around on the road in quantity.

    wasting political capital and taxpayers dollars on technically
    underinformed, environmentally/scientifically ignorant, practically
    dangerous pipe-dreaming may not be a new phenomenon, but in this case,
    it's a killer. tell them that and personally imagine rear-ending
    several kilograms of ultra-high explosive as you drive home from the
    office. there is one benefit though - if you ever actually /do/ get to
    do so, your family will be spared the messy business of body
    identification that happens in most motor fatalities. on detonation of
    an hydrogen tank, there will be no body left to identify, just a BIG
    smoking hole in the ground. have a nice day.
    jim beam, Jun 22, 2008
  3. sjmmail2000-247

    L Alpert Guest

    "Oh, the humanity"
    L Alpert, Jul 2, 2008
  4. sjmmail2000-247

    Kent Finnell Guest

    "Oh, the bullshit."

    The FCX Clarity and its fueling stations are NOT the
    Hindenburg, a very large fabric covered bag with a huge
    amount of helium on board. It's not the 1930s, technology
    has advanced 70 years. Besides the Clarity is not a Ford
    Kent Finnell, Jul 4, 2008
  5. sjmmail2000-247

    L Alpert Guest

    All you need to do is make sure you are close enough to one of these
    when you need a fill...

    It still is not cost effective. Even when readily available, based on
    the general laws of supply and demand, the costs of using this type of
    fuel would be on par (or maybe higher) than fossil fuels.
    L Alpert, Jul 4, 2008
  6. sjmmail2000-247

    Kent Finnell Guest

    Yeah, only in a small area in California, but this is only
    Honda's 2nd or 3rd generation effort. Each time they
    improve the efficiency, lower the size, reduce the cost and
    increase the power. By the 4th or 5th generation, who
    knows? Honda might even inspire others to compete.

    Upps, it looks like I was thinking the more widely
    publicized Honda effort and the US only. I knew that Ford,
    GM, and BMW are working on it, but they are generally laying
    low. Much of the rest are government facilities and

    The technology is still in its infancy and who knows what
    kind of breakthroughs are down the road.

    In the meantime, it makes more sense than converting food
    into fuel.
    Kent Finnell, Jul 4, 2008
  7. sjmmail2000-247

    L Alpert Guest

    I would think that if there are enough refueling locations to make it
    a viable alternative (even if the cost is equivalent to fossil fuel)
    it would be a worthwhile endevor just because of the environmental
    considerations. It will take time.
    US manufacturers tend to be followers, let someone else incur the
    costs of the development and then making it marketable. Only then do
    they jump on the bandwagon...
    Much more readily available and not prone to floods and.or poor crop
    yields! (plus it would help keep the tortilla costs down).
    L Alpert, Jul 5, 2008
  8. sjmmail2000-247

    Torpeau Guest

    I still think the Clarity stole the styling that was meant to be the
    new Accord. Then Honda had to do a rush job to come up with the mess
    that is the '09 Accord.
    Torpeau, Jul 10, 2008
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