Honda Ignition Switch Defect may cause Deadly Accidents

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bokaratom, May 11, 2006.

  1. bokaratom

    bokaratom Guest

    A problem with the ignition switch in Honda cars
    may cause a Deadly Accident!

    The car may stall without warning while driving in traffic.

    This has been a known problem and has resulted in a recall by Honda
    (NHTSA Campaign ID Number: 03V423000), but some cars with the ignition
    switch replaced as part of the recall may still have this problem.

    Is Honda trying to conceal this?
    Are they in fact aware that their measures in the recall were
    to properly correct the problem?

    Are they leaving peoples lives at risk in order to avoid the
    expense of properly correcting the problem?
    bokaratom, May 11, 2006
  2. bokaratom

    jim beam Guest

    oh dear - the paid detroit shills are out tonight.

    now, while we're talking dangerous ignition failures, how much did ford
    pay to settle that class action? $200M? i forget.
    jim beam, May 11, 2006
  3. Your hysteria is misplaced. Any car may stall without warning in traffic and
    most do at some point in their existence on the road.

    Trolling is not a sign of character.

    Michael Pardee, May 11, 2006
  4. bokaratom

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    I disagree, Mike. Trolling is a sign of character. It's up to the
    reader to decide *what* character, of course...

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, May 11, 2006
  5. bokaratom

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I was going to sue somebody for $200 million once, but then I discovered
    that the lawyers were going to get $199,999,985.98, and I was going to get
    a coupon for 50% off an oil change.
    TeGGeR®, May 11, 2006
  6. bokaratom

    TeGGeR® Guest


    Up here in Canada, Rice Krispies are bilingual (by LAW!).

    In English, they go snap crackle pop, like you'd expect.
    In Quebec they go cric crac croc.

    I shit you not.
    TeGGeR®, May 11, 2006
  7. ....and that was at Jiffy Lube.
    Michael Pardee, May 12, 2006
  8. bokaratom

    TE Cheah Guest

    All the salesmen here curse & deny this flaw, salesmen always do
    whenever a flaw is exposed ; their bread & butter is jeopardised.

    | The car may stall without warning while driving in traffic.
    Yes, my '90 Accord ( Japan made )'s ignition switch failed after just
    68,800 km use, in 10-03. This switch ( part # 35130-SM4-305 )
    suddenly could not feed a current to engine ( F20A )'s distributor, so
    this accord was stuck in a slow moving traffic, causing obstruction to
    If your car uses this switch ( fitted below key slot, K69-1 embossed
    on its black plastic casing's bottom), & switch is not new, better let
    your car carry a 3 amp wire ( insulated, 18" long ) with a clip* @ 1
    end to grip your battery's +ve terminal, & the other end ( bare ) to slip
    into your distributor's +ve input terminal ( a wire with a black rubber
    insulation, on a F20A ) to ( if necessary ) feed a 12v current to
    distributor, so your engine ( after cranking ) can run like normal until
    you can replace this un-durable switch. This clip* will enable easy dis
    / re connection to turn off / on engine.
    I never knew any ignition switch can fail @ just 68,800 km : the
    interior of this failed switch has no crack / dirt / dust inside ! Worse
    is the new switch fitted is not perfect either : when idle, it leaks 50-
    75 mv to windows' motor's relay, & helps to drain battery.
    TE Cheah, May 12, 2006
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