Honda Integra Type R DC2 Problem!!!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by raiderman77, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. raiderman77

    raiderman77 Guest

    Please help!

    My 99 Integra began coughing and spluttering on friday. I was driving
    normally and stopped at some traffic lights, I set off but thought I
    was in 3rd gear as it struggled, it was in 1st gear and eventually I
    got the revs up and moved off, it felt like the timimng had been
    knocked out.

    I stopped and it stalled, but then started and ticked over around
    1000rpm, but if i put my foot down it died again.

    If i gently added pressure to the gas pedal, it went slowly up the
    revs but if i lifted the clutch it died, even from 6000rpm.

    Its been main dealer serviced all its life and Ive had it 3 years. Its
    wanted for nothing and have had a rear wheel bearing and a new battery
    in 3 yrs.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Many thanks in advance for any help
    raiderman77, Dec 12, 2006
  2. raiderman77

    jim beam Guest

    check the obvious stuff like ignition, but this sounds like it could be
    timing belt skippage. driving in this condition could be very costly if
    you get valve strike. suggest you check belt tension asap and don't
    drive until it's fixed. [incorrect belt tension is very common with
    inexperienced techs]. google the honda groups for past posts on how to
    tension correctly.
    jim beam, Dec 12, 2006
  3. raiderman77

    motsco_ Guest


    No CHECK ENGINE light? Could be water in the gas, forgot to adjust the
    valves, timing best jumped a tooth, igniter failing.

    Are you sure your dash lights are passing the 'lamp check', per the
    owner's manual?

    What's the mileage and did you have the valves adjusted?

    motsco_, Dec 12, 2006
  4. raiderman77

    raiderman77 Guest

    Guys thanks for the response

    The car had valve clearances done in August, its in now for a belt
    change and has had some new spark plugs fitted.

    There are no warning lights, and it seems like its mechanical.
    Hopefully the belts and the plugs will sort it.

    I suggested to the backstreet garage guy that first looked at it that
    it was a timing issue and that it may have jumped a notch. he said not
    and that he’d plug it in but then let me down,,

    So.. its now in the Honda dealer, who offered a half price belt
    change, so maybe I’ll be happy later when he tells me its all ok and
    that the plugs, belts and timing adjustments have done the job..

    This car is a total gem, ive driven it hard for 3 years, and I mean
    hard!! and this is the first time its ever coughed and spluttered.

    Thanks again guys, very much appreciated.
    raiderman77, Dec 13, 2006
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