Honda joke (but true story)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by theory4debate, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. My brother and I grew up doing a lot of the same things. Both of us
    started driving at 16 and always loved cars. Both of us are very
    similar sharing the same hobbies, IQ and skills. Actually the only
    difference between us is the knowledge of cars. He actually knows how
    to repair a cars, while the only thing I know is how to do fill it up
    with gas. His knowledge of cars would almost qualify him as a
    mechanic. So we were talking about how he became so smart in auto
    repairs. Well it turns out the main difference between us is he
    always bought American cars and I always bought Hondas.
    theory4debate, Nov 26, 2009
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