Honda Lawn Mowers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by PreacherMan, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. PreacherMan

    PreacherMan Guest

    We bought a Honda Lawn mower, it is junk. 500 dollars for a unit that
    weights a ton, stalls if you run it into grass just a little too long, and
    sounds like it has marbles in its crankcase if it gets too much grass to
    DON'T buy one, you will regret it. I do.

    My next one will be a Toro or John Deere.

    I can see why that guy shot his mower last week in the news. If I had a gun,
    mine would be gone.

    ? PreacherMan ?
    PreacherMan, Aug 9, 2008
  2. PreacherMan

    M.A. Stewart Guest

    You sound like someone who would trade in a new car because the ashtray
    got full.

    I bet you I could fix it in three and a half seconds with a screwdriver
    skillfully applied to the carburettor (high speed fuel mixture adjustment).

    Failing that, I would make sure the governor is functioning properly, and the
    'high speed RPM' is set correctly. Maybe even check the 'carburettor float
    level', and the general cleanliness of the fuel in it.

    Take it to someone who knows how to diagnose and tune small Honda engines.

    Go-karters like to use small Honda engines.

    Don't label something bad because it's possibly maladjusted.
    M.A. Stewart, Aug 14, 2008
  3. PreacherMan

    Art Guest

    Make sure you run it wide open.

    Are you sure it is a Honda mower and not another brand with a cheaply built
    Honda engine. According to Consumer Reports, the Honda engines put on other
    brand equipment are not built as well as the Honda engines on Honda brand
    labeled equipment.

    A friend has a Deere hand mower. The blade shaft is too long and weak and
    if you touch anything with it it bends. Happened to him and a friend of
    his. It would be good for target practice though.
    Art, Aug 20, 2008
  4. PreacherMan

    PreacherMan Guest

    Dude your talking to the wrong person. I can build a race car from ground
    up. Built and repaired lawn mowers for years.
    The unit is maybe a year old and to have the problems I have with it is
    unexcusable. The Honda quailty of my
    CR-V I do not question, just the crap lawn mower

    Just this week one of the black plastic knobs to loosen the handle cracked
    and my wife lost it last nite. Fun getting a ratchet wrench out each time I
    put my mower away.

    If I only had bought a real mower.
    PreacherMan, Aug 24, 2008
  5. PreacherMan

    PreacherMan Guest

    It's a real Honda. It doesn't perform like the real thing but it is a Honda.
    PreacherMan, Aug 24, 2008
  6. PreacherMan

    Art Guest

    I bought a Honda mower when they first came out... probably 25 years ago.
    It was junk. The spring to close the panel when you removed the grass
    catcher was so tight it would almost take your arm off. The fastest speed
    was too slow. And the system to power the wheels had a hidden belt that
    only lasted one season of mowing a 1/4 acre lot and cost $80 to replace
    back then. Sold it immediately after having belt replaced. Only thing good
    was the blade stop system.
    Art, Aug 25, 2008
  7. PreacherMan

    M.A. Stewart Guest

    Top posting repaired.

    You built lawn mowers for years? Do you have a foundry? Or do you
    mean you _re-built_ lawn mowers. The only reason the mower "stalls if you
    run it into grass just a little too long (just what is 'little too long' in
    inches?)" is because it's not producing the rated horsepower (many varied
    reasons of why that is, and easily fixable), or you are overloading it. You
    can build a race car from the ground up, but you can't build a substitute
    for a plastic knob? The lawn mower is not very old, and you found it
    unsatisfactory? Why did you not return it to the place of purchase and
    demand satisfaction?

    Small engines are simple... all they need is fuel, ignition, and

    Is the engine producing the rated horsepower (all the above 3 things need
    to be functioning properly for that to happen)? Is it the correct machine for
    the job you want it to do?

    I have an eight horsepower Tecumseh Snow King engine. The first time
    I used it (when it was new), the plastic throttle control knob fell off,
    and would not stay on. Did I bitch and complain that Tecumsehs are junk...
    no... I fixed it, with a drill, a tap, and a machine screw.

    Fix your horsepower problem, or get a machine that will cut grass 'a little
    too long' (whatever 'a little too long' is).
    M.A. Stewart, Aug 26, 2008
  8. PreacherMan

    fdcooley Guest

    I agree, I bought one and I regret it more than any purchase I've ever
    made. I bought mine in May 2006, had it back to the Honda service
    center in July of 2006. They refuse to warrant their junk, it cost me
    $179. Had to take it back in Aug. 2007, this time I was sure they
    would cover it. Wrong! This time cost me $133. They not only make a
    pile of junk, they refuse to warrant what they make. They are
    crooks. It quit running again, Sept. 2008. I went and bought a Yard
    King with a Briggs & Statton engine. Cost me $280. That is less than
    the two repairs on the garbage that Honda markets. Plus that garbage
    cost to begin with $500. plus tax. I got a much better machine now,
    more power, easier to handle, it mulches better, cuts better, runs
    better, if the Honda runs at all, which it is not at this time. As
    for me, my family and all my friends, we will never own anything that
    has the Honda name on it. Honda = GARBAGE
    fdcooley, Oct 1, 2008
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