Honda logo body parts help

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by reqluq, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. reqluq

    reqluq Guest

    Hi I've been looking for body parts for a 97 honda logo..I need a tail gate,
    rear bumper, back and front windshield and two tail lamps.
    Any help is appreciated, I've called a few parts dealers on the internet but
    they don't have parts for this model.
    reqluq, Sep 27, 2007
  2. reqluq

    motsco_ Guest

    motsco_, Sep 27, 2007
  3. reqluq

    reqluq Guest


    country doesn't matter
    reqluq, Sep 27, 2007
  4. reqluq

    Tegger Guest

    This group has readership that is primarily North American. The Logo was
    never sold over here, so our vast array of wreckng yards and aftermarket
    suppliers will be bereft of Logo body parts.

    You may wish to try . Don't know if they go international
    or not.
    Tegger, Sep 28, 2007
  5. reqluq

    motsco_ Guest


    Quote of helpful info: Honda Logo

    The Honda Logo is a vehicle of the Japanese manufacturer Honda. It was
    built between 1996 and 2001 and there were three-door and five-door
    models available. The successor of the Logo is the Honda Jazz.

    Read More:

    motsco_, Sep 28, 2007
  6. reqluq

    z Guest

    Well, I'm just glad they never named a car the Nogo.
    z, Sep 28, 2007
  7. reqluq

    reqluq Guest

    So how does this help me get parts? I don't want a history lesson...I want
    reqluq, Sep 28, 2007
  8. reqluq

    Tegger Guest

    You've obviously not got any satisfactory responses yet.

    How far afield from your (quite unknown) home country are you
    willing to go?
    Tegger, Sep 28, 2007
  9. reqluq

    motsco_ Guest


    We all come here to share information... You won't even divulge what
    country you want help in.

    I give up. I'm going off to prepare for the Psychic Wednesday Seminar.


    motsco_, Sep 29, 2007
  10. reqluq

    MG Guest

    No, that's Chevy's trick.
    MG, Sep 29, 2007
  11. reqluq

    Tegger Guest

    Are you bringing the donuts this week?
    Tegger, Oct 1, 2007
  12. reqluq

    motsco_ Guest

    motsco_, Oct 1, 2007
  13. reqluq

    Dano58 Guest

    Well, there is always Google - a search on 'Honda Logo Parts' came up
    with several non-US sites. Unfortunately, since you refuse to divulge
    your country, you're gonna have to look yourself. Thanks for stopping

    Dan D
    '07 Ody EX
    Central NJ USA
    Dano58, Oct 1, 2007
  14. reqluq

    Tegger Guest

    I knew you were going to say that...
    Tegger, Oct 1, 2007
  15. reqluq

    reqluq Guest

    I got sorted out: the car is a write-off; cost too much to get the parts
    reqluq, Oct 7, 2007
  16. reqluq

    reqluq Guest

    Ok the country is the bahamas does that help me get parts now? hmm?
    I got sorted out: the car is a write-off; cost too much to get the parts
    reqluq, Oct 7, 2007
  17. reqluq

    reqluq Guest

    You don't think I googled? that exact phrase? and called all over? like I
    said I got sorted out; finally; I came across a US company (from googling
    mind you) which directed me to a company in japan.
    tamio was very helpfull.
    Oh and I am in the bahamas but it doesn't matter if I was in china or
    peru. I needed to know where those parts were. They are not in my country so
    it's a moot point. IMO
    reqluq, Oct 7, 2007
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