Honda Loyalty Plan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by tww, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. tww

    tww Guest

    I recently traded my 01 Prelude off on a new Accord EX Coupe I4. While I
    got a decent trade on the 'lude and price on the Accord, I was surprised by
    an offer I could easily refuse. During the process, my salesman (who I have
    dealt with before) told me that I would be told that I "qualified" for the
    Honda Loyalty Plan during the finalization of the deal -- where you write
    the check. He (in so many words) told me I should just listen to the
    Finance person's pitch -- and that I was sufficiently wise to make the right

    Well, the pitch was for a glorified maintenance discount for 5 years along
    with road service and loaner car with options that were presented in "easy
    to pay" installments running from "a mere $40 - 60 per month" depending on
    the option selected. Did not take any real intelligence to figure out that
    this was a lot of nothing for around $3,000 and not even an extended
    warranty --- although that would not be much of a warranty since the Honda
    powertrain warranty now runs through 60k.

    The Finance guy seemed convinced I would bite and was seemingly "stunned"
    when I turned him down, wrote my check, said thanks and left.

    Guess I never heard this one before. Have to love the name, though.
    tww, Apr 30, 2006
  2. tww

    Elle Guest

    What's interesting to me is that the salesman kind of warned
    you about this in advance. ISTM car salesman and the
    dealer's in-house shark... oops, I mean finance people...
    tend to be in cahoots, with a mutual goal: Ream the buyer
    for as much moolah as possible.

    Sounds like your sales guy is a keeper.
    Elle, Apr 30, 2006
  3. tww

    tww Guest

    Yeah! I have been dealing with him for around 10 years; he's decent and
    tww, Apr 30, 2006
  4. tww

    John Horner Guest

    LOL, I think that more profit is made at the "finance person" step of
    the car sales process than is made in the actual sale. Extended
    warranties, BS "protection packages", maintenance plans and the rest are
    all sold to people when they think the selling part is over.

    You did good!

    John Horner, May 2, 2006
  5. tww

    Shawn B. Guest

    Sounds like your sales guy is a keeper.

    I purchased multiple Toyotas through the same sales person, I really liked
    him. I told him what I want, he helped me get it, he told me a price, I say
    "not so" he says "how so" I say "so so" and we agree on a price without
    back-and-forthing a closing manager and then bing... done.

    One day I was there scoping out a new 2006 Tacoma PreRunner 4-door that I
    want and an old lady approached and she said "do you remember me" to the
    sales person and he said of course, I sold you that blue celica 20 years ago
    and she said good memory (there was a bit more conversation involved).
    Anyway, he introduced me to her (as a courtesy) and stated that the blue
    Celica was the first car he ever sold and here she is "turning it in" for a
    new Camry.

    He's a keeper. It is unfortunate that my gas is currently $350 /mo. for my
    Tacoma and the new Tacoma would be $483 and as such, I'm getting a Civic
    Hybrid instead. There is saving grace for me, when my wife's Acura needs
    replacing next year (her 10 year mark) then she'll let me get the truck (but
    she'll have to drive it because she has a 5 mile commute and I have a 56
    mile commute).

    Shawn B., May 3, 2006
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