Honda Mileage

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Peter H, Jan 23, 2004.

  1. Peter H

    Peter H Guest

    Hi all: Just recently purchased a new to me 2000 civic automatic 4 cyl. Just
    wondering what kind of mileage I should be getting with this little guy. I'm
    in Canada so km/liter would work best, but I'll try to convert miles/gal.US.


    Peter H
    Peter H, Jan 23, 2004
  2. Peter H

    Ted Guest

    M or AUto?
    Ted, Jan 23, 2004
  3. Peter H

    Peter H Guest


    Peter H, Jan 23, 2004
  4. Peter H

    Ted Guest

    Not sure , cause I get around 42 mpg in the summer going from to and from
    Midway Utah (mountains) to Salt Lake City. But I also coast down hill..

    But I have always gotten around 35 - 40 mpg around highway and 30 in town.

    Im an easy driver..
    Ted, Jan 23, 2004
  5. Peter H

    Larry Guest

    Assuming you have the 106 hp variety Civic, if you drive prudently you
    should get 36-38 mpg on the freeway and somewhere around 25 around town. If
    you drive aggresively, then knock those numbers down by 5 mpg
    Larry, Jan 24, 2004
  6. Peter H

    Larry Guest

    If i did my math correctly, that should be a range of 15-23
    km/litre...assuming that's how its classified
    Larry, Jan 24, 2004
  7. Peter H

    Chris Guest

    I'm in central Canada where it's pretty flat terrain. In October/03 I
    purchased a 2000 Civic HB, AT with the 106 hp engine, and my average is 35.5
    mpg. I was getting 38 'ish until the cold weather hit. I anticipate in
    months of May- Sept, I'll get close to 40 mpg. I LOVE this CAR!
    I used to have a Chevy Metro sedan that gave me 50 mpg consistently year
    round, and while I miss that, the quality/fun-to-drive Honda is definitely
    worth the reduced mileage!
    Chris, Jan 24, 2004
  8. Peter H

    Peter H Guest

    Hey're Canadian, what's this in K/L?

    Peter H
    Peter H, Jan 25, 2004
  9. Peter H

    Randolph Guest

    Assuming them there gallons are US not imperial you get:

    35.5 mpg = 15.1 km / l = 6.6 l / 100 km
    38 mpg = 16.2 km / l = 6.2 l / 100 km
    40 mpg = 17.0 km / l = 5.9 l / 100 km
    50 mpg = 21.3 km / l = 4.7 l / 100 km
    Randolph, Jan 25, 2004
  10. Peter H

    tomb Guest

    If you feel like doing miles per gallon/kilometers per liter/liters per
    100km yourself, but feel arithmetically challenged (or just can remember the
    factors for mile<->km and gallon<->liters), here are a few links for ya:
    tomb, Jan 25, 2004
  11. Peter H

    Chris Guest

    We don't use US gallons in Canada. The imperial gallon is 4.54 litres, while
    the US gallon 4 litres. Therefore you must divide your fuel consumption by
    4.54, not 4.
    I'm not sure why anyone would want to know their mileage in kms/litre, mpg
    is generally regarded as the benchmark indicator.
    Anyway 35 mpg, would come out to 12.4 kms/L.
    Chris, Jan 25, 2004
  12. Peter H

    Larry Guest

    Its 3.785 litres to the US gallon.....its 4 qts to the US gallon
    Larry, Jan 25, 2004
  13. Peter H

    Artfulcodger Guest

    Actually here in Canada no one really knows how many American liters per
    metric gallon etc etc.

    To those of us old enough to be brought up with Imperial measures it was
    hard enough to convert to US gallons; now we have this metric shit to
    contend with.

    The only thing we know for sure is how many goals it takes for a hat trick
    and how far the closest Tim Hortons is from our homes. It's usually a short
    walk or for the slow a long walk.
    Artfulcodger, Jan 25, 2004
  14. Peter H

    Peter H Guest

    Ok... I went and did the math. This is a great conversion site.

    Km/L works well in Canada because the pumps are in liters and odometers in
    kilometers. When you fill up it's one calculation to arrive at your figure.
    I've never understood why anyone would track liters/ 100 Kms.

    The problem is complicated by the fact that the US gallon, liter and even
    the ounce is different than the Canadian ones. Here is a rough way to figure
    it though.

    To go from Miles/Gal (US) to Km/L (Can) multiply by .42514

    To go from Km/L (Can) to Miles/Gal (US) divide by .42514

    I think I'm fairly close with this. If anyone wants to dispute it I'm up for
    the challenge.

    Peter H
    Peter H, Jan 27, 2004
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