Honda misses under load

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ed Matarrese, Sep 20, 2003.

  1. Ed Matarrese

    Ed Matarrese Guest

    Hi Guys,

    I have an '80 Civic 1300 DX Manual 5-speed with under 50,000 miles. When
    driving at a low speed and accelerating, the car starts missing and bucking
    badly. I've checked mostly everything imaginable -- so many vacuum lines
    and solenoids! Since the carburetor has been rebuilt and adjusted
    (including the float levels), I suspected a leak in one of the vacuum lines.
    But they seem OK. I checked the advance, both vacuum and mechanical and the
    spark advances when speeding up the engine.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance,


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    Ed Matarrese, Sep 20, 2003
  2. Ed Matarrese

    Koji San Guest

    A clog carb. If this is actually your case you can see it. Here's how:

    1. Remove the air filter assembly to get a good visual into the choke.
    2. Hit the gas really hard. Do you see a big (1.5 sec of) good stream
    of squirt inside the choke?
    No- there's your problem
    Yes- your problem is elsewhere.

    Details: The carburetor has overcome with rust and debris from the
    fuel tank. The rust and debris bypass the two filters somehow and
    clogs the nozzle. The nozzle gives the car the extra push of
    horsepower. The solutions are a rebuilt, replace both filters, and
    possibly clean out the gas tank.
    Koji San, Sep 21, 2003
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