Honda Motorcycle Tire Storage Tip

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jeff, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    Using an air-pressure gauge, make sure there is enough air in the
    tires. This helps keep them from developing problems while the
    motorcycle is stored. While in storage, don't allow hours of direct
    sunlight to contact the tires. This dries out the tires prematurely
    and causes side-wall cracking. Also, due to advanced tire technology,
    motorcycle tires don't need to rest on blocks while the bike is in

    If you find this information you have just read valuable, you may be
    interested in a report called "How to Effortlessly Protect Your
    Motorcycle Head to Toe During Storage". To get a copy of the free
    report go to and click on the
    "Free Special Report" at the bottom of the page.

    After you ask for the ‘Free Special Report' the web site will
    automatically direct you to 4 articles written by leading magazines.
    You'll be able to read for FREE on how 'Rider', 'Cycle World',
    'Motorcycle Consumer News' and American Motorcyclist are recommending
    to protect your motorcycle during storage.

    Take Care,
    Jeff, Nov 2, 2003
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