Honda odessy brake rotor help

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by maxmoto, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. maxmoto

    maxmoto Guest

    Would someone please help with instructions for changing rotors on 1997
    odessy. I have removed the calipers and holders and the two phillips screws
    on the rotors themselves. What else has to come off? (i am starting on the
    Please email if you could help. Thanks!
    maxmoto, Aug 21, 2006
  2. maxmoto

    TeGGeR® Guest

    They are rusted on around the hub flange. The best method I've ever tried
    of freeing them is a little half-pound ball-peen hammer.

    The rotor's shape is a bit like a hat turned sideways. In this instruction,
    we are concerned with not the brim (the friction surface) or the crown
    (where the bolts are), but the side part that would have the ribbon if it
    were a hat.

    Take the narrow end of the ball-peen hammer and tap the "ribbon" side of
    the rotor as close to the friction surface as you can without actually
    striking the friction surface. Tap gently and rapidly, many many times,
    turning the rotor by hand as you go. Every so often tap the part of the
    rotor where the bolts are. This action will eventually break up the rust
    that's holding the rotor to the hub, and you should be able to wiggle the
    rotor off by hand.

    You will see lots of rust drop to the ground as you tap and turn.

    Remember, it's shock and time that will do this, not brute force. Tap the
    rotor a bit harder than you would knock on a house door.

    You MUST make 100% certain that the flange and rotor hub surface are dead
    clean, flat and smooth, otherwise you'll introduce brake vibration with the
    new rotors. Use lots of 50-grit emery cloth (NOT sandpaper) and elbow
    grease. Do not use a wire brush.
    TeGGeR®, Aug 22, 2006
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