Honda Odyssey problem

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by toypup, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. toypup

    toypup Guest

    I apologize if this is the proper forum. I've been having problems with my
    Honda Odyssey for quite some time and I wonder if anyone could help.

    Here's the history:

    When I first got the minivan, it was brand new from the dealer. We had the
    dealer install an alarm. Very soon after, the alarm started arming and
    locking the doors all by itself. Later, it started to turn itself on and
    off. By that, I mean, sometimes, I use the keyfob to arm the car, but only
    the locks would work, but the alarm would not turn on. Then, without
    warning, it would turn itself on, and the alarm would work like it normally
    should. Eventually, the car horn would beep when I was driving, the lights
    would flash, the dashboard backlight would flash, the turn signals flashed.
    All which would happen intermittently.

    We got the alarm replaced. Just as soon as it was replaced, the alarm
    started arming itself and locking the doors automatically on an intermittant
    basis. I brought it back, and they replaced it again, this time with an
    upgraded model (or so they told me). The same thing happened with the third
    alarm. This time, the dealer adjusted the alarm so it was less sensitive.
    It continued to be a problem.

    I just got my vehicle back from the dealer. They said they disarmed the
    alarm. They also did some maintenance. When I get home, the engine light
    is on and the TCS light is on. I use the windshield wiper and it gets stuck
    in the up position. With some jiggling of the controls, I was able to get
    it back. I get back in my car and now only the engine light is on. The
    windshield wiper problem appears to be intermittent, just like all the other

    Does anyone know what's wrong with this car?
    toypup, Sep 21, 2005
  2. toypup

    Abeness Guest

    From your description, it's starting to sound like a lemon. Can you try
    another dealer? Perhaps they're incompetent.
    Abeness, Sep 21, 2005
  3. toypup

    toypup Guest

    I should clarify: they told me they stopped the autoactivation feature of
    the alarm.
    toypup, Sep 21, 2005
  4. toypup

    E Meyer Guest

    Sounds like a loose/bad ground connection somewhere. It also sounds like
    your dealer is not competent. If you are still under warranty (the year of
    this car is still a mystery to us), try a different dealer.
    E Meyer, Sep 21, 2005
  5. Does anyone know what's wrong with this car?


    Is this Odyssey ten years old? It's a good idea to post the YEAR, MODEL,
    and mileage of the vehicle, as well as the BRAND name of the alarm
    system (it can't possibly be a HONDA OEM alarm).

    Tell the dealer to give you ALL your money back, and to put the Odyssey
    back the way it was before they chopped up your wiring harness, and go
    to another Honda dealer and have them install a HONDA alarm.

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 21, 2005
  6. toypup

    zonie Guest

    Good advice from Curly. Im sure the alarm is some cheap aftermarket system
    installed by some kid they pay 6 bucks an hour and he cut into whoknows
    what wrong wires. That dealer butchered your Honda, make them fix it!
    zonie, Sep 21, 2005
  7. toypup

    toypup Guest

    2003. It has 32000 miles, so still under warranty. Other Honda dealers
    will not fix it because they immediately assume it is an alarm problem.

    I just got the minivan back from maintenance yesterday. They told me they
    disarmed the autoarm feature of my car alarm. The TCS and engine lights
    came on. I used the winshield wiper spray and the wiper got stuck in the up
    position. It came back down after some jiggling. Those problems, like all
    my other problems, are intermittent. So, when I get it back to the dealer
    today, the lights were off and the wiper was working. The minivan is in the
    shop right now. They are checking it out once more.
    toypup, Sep 21, 2005
  8. I concur. Aftermarket electronics are almost always bad. I actually
    paid my mechanic about $150 to rip out every bit of electronics
    installed by the previous owner. After removing about 20 pounds of
    stereo and alarm crap, the stereo works better than it ever has. the
    alarm never did work right since the day I bought it.
    Gordon McGrew, Sep 22, 2005
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