Honda owner since 1985

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JOHN MORFD, Sep 2, 2003.


    JOHN MORFD Guest

    Greetings all,
    I have been a Honda owner since 1985. I first bought a civic and since have
    bought 2 Accords. I have bought my last!! I am tired of the high cost and
    maintenance of these over rated cars. I bought all of them new and did all the
    scheduled maintenance. The horror stories I could tell. From transmission to
    paint problems and all are costly. The latest problem is a driver side door
    that won't open. I take it to the dealer and they tell me it will cost over
    600 to fix. It seems the door latch broke. I have owned cars for many years
    and have never has such a costly problem with a door latch. These are just
    cheaply made over priced pieces of rolling metal and I have had enough of them.
    No more hondas for me.
    JOHN MORFD, Sep 2, 2003

    Tom Guest

    I'd agree with you on the paint. After ten years of washing and waxing, my
    89 Accord's black pearl faded off the roof and hood.

    I have had no engine/tranny problems, but am facing the usual PITA small
    problems associated with a car I've been driving for the past 15 years.

    I'll give Honda an "A" on my ride. I'd buy another Accord, but nothing rides
    like a late '80s Honda Accord.

    I was driving a '76 VW Scirocco before the Honda. What an ungodly piece of
    trash. The Honda is a breath of fresh air even at 15 years.

    Tom, Sep 2, 2003

  3. I've been a Honda owner since 1982 and haven't had any problems with
    my cars. The only money I've put into them is normal maintenance
    (oil/lube, timing belt, etc).
    etwqeggqjqd324234, Sep 3, 2003

    mark Guest

    So why did you buy the other two Honda's if you hate Honda?
    mark, Sep 3, 2003

  5. Since you are saying good-bye to Honda's, I would say you need to
    purchase a circa 1990s Ford Taurus. Then, after a few years, report

    Curtis Newton
    <delete remove-me. to respond to email>
    ICQ: 4899169
    Curtis Newton, Sep 3, 2003
  6. It would be interesting to hear more about his paint problems. In my
    experience, Honda paint jobs are industry leading (within their price
    range of course).

    If I see another Chrysler product that is 3 years old with peeling
    GM is marginally better.
    etwqeggqjqd324234, Sep 3, 2003
  7. Let me see if I have this right ..

    You have been a Honda owner for nearly 20 years, buying Honda after Honda
    with each one of them being awful cars that kept falling apart and costing
    you ridiculous money - and you kept on buying them.

    Therefore, there are three conclusions possible:

    1. Since you were a school boy, for no sane reason, you can't help buying
    products you hate over and over again.

    2. Honda was giving you the cars for free, and as a word of thanks, you log
    into newsgroups to complain about the high cost of repairs. You know --
    those $30 Honda dealer oil changes

    3. You are a troll.


    Visit the last oasis of sanity in Cyberspace:
    Johnmichael Monteith, Sep 3, 2003

    Caliban Guest

    I am hard-pressed to believe you'll find a more reliable car than Honda.

    Maybe a more upscale Toyota model would be worth a try, just for the sake of
    comparison to your Hondas.

    I have other objections to Honda: Namely, the price and the fact that the
    new Civics do not have 1.5 liter engines. (They're 1.7 liter.) So after a
    lot of research, when my 1991 Civic finally dies, I have thought of trying a
    Toyota Echo. By this time and with any luck, Toyota will make a "luxury"
    version of the Echo for a thousand bucks more and I won't have to live with
    the "plasticy" interior.

    I suspect most dealer service departments (and not just Honda's) are little
    better and sometimes worse than private shops when it comes to competence.
    Caliban, Sep 3, 2003

    SoCalMike Guest

    SoCalMike, Sep 3, 2003

    Saintor Guest

    What year is your car? What REAL problems id you fix at what cost? And why
    at dealer?

    The only service issue I have with Honda is their weak brakes that warps too
    easily. They never do well in braking distance measurement tests either.
    Saintor, Sep 5, 2003

    JOHN MORFD Guest

    've been a Honda owner since 1982 and haven't had any problems with
    my cars. The only money I've put into them is normal maintenance
    (oil/lube, timing belt, etc).

    You didn't say how long you keep your cars. If you trade every 4 or 5 years
    you probably won't have much problems but for the people who keep their cars 10
    years or more, the Honda is no deal.
    JOHN MORFD, Sep 5, 2003

    JOHN MORFD Guest

    Subject: Re: Honda owner since 1985
    From: "mark"
    Date: 9/2/2003 9:52 PM Eastern Standard Time
    Message-id: <bj3hg7$ensh3$>

    So why did you buy the other two Honda's if you hate Honda?

    The problems with Honda did not come about until after I had bought my third. I
    gave Honda the benefit of the doubt on the first but right after I bought the
    third the second started having major problem.
    I guess it was all in the timing. If the second had given me the problems
    before I bought the third, there would have been no third.
    JOHN MORFD, Sep 5, 2003

    JOHN MORFD Guest

    It would be interesting to hear more about his paint problems. In my
    experience, Honda paint jobs are industry leading (within their price
    range of course).

    If I see another Chrysler product that is 3 years old with peeling
    GM is marginally better.

    I have always taken care of my cars. Wash them at least once a week and dry
    off. Wax them at least every 6 months.
    The problem with the paint has been the same on all 3 Hondas. I usually starts
    to show up after 4 or 5 years. Honda calls it acid rain. It is blimishes and
    marks all over the car. It looks like what would happen if you washed your car
    and did not dry it off but the blimishes go deep into the paint. I have been
    told by several body shops who do excellent work on painting that Honda has
    such thin paint that this problem occurs quite often. I have a friend who owns
    a Nissen. He bought his car the same year that I did and it has been in the
    same area that my Honda has been in the whole time. Guess what? No acid rain
    damage. He don't even take care of his car as well as I do. I think Honda has
    developed a great finish out of very thin paint and clear coat that don't hold
    up over the years. The experts have weighed in. Do plan on a paint job around
    5th or 6th year if you buy one. Save your money for it. But then again, you
    may not care what your car looks like by then. I do.
    JOHN MORFD, Sep 5, 2003

    JOHN MORFD Guest

    Subject: Re: Honda owner since 1985
    From: "Johnmichael Monteith"
    Date: 9/3/2003 12:25 AM Eastern Standard Time
    Message-id: <K2e5b.337666$Ho3.50366@sccrnsc03>

    Let me see if I have this right ..

    You have been a Honda owner for nearly 20 years, buying Honda after Honda
    with each one of them being awful cars that kept falling apart and costing
    you ridiculous money - and you kept on buying them.

    Therefore, there are three conclusions possible:

    1. Since you were a school boy, for no sane reason, you can't help buying
    products you hate over and over again.

    2. Honda was giving you the cars for free, and as a word of thanks, you log
    into newsgroups to complain about the high cost of repairs. You know --
    those $30 Honda dealer oil changes

    3. You are a troll.


    Greetings monty,
    You are a fool. Every board has one. Looks like your are it. Evidently you
    don't read to well either.
    That is what this newsgroup is for. For information. I guess you like to put
    your head in the sand and just want to be an uninformed idiot. OK. You are.
    Oh! maybe you are a Honda Dealer. That would explain the hostility. Did I tell
    people on here what car to buy? No. I simply gave information. Take it for
    what it is worth. To you, not much. You know what they say about a fool and
    his money.
    Go ahead and waste yours. Oh, by the way. When I buy a car and pay good money
    for it, I expect it to be worth the price. They ain't.
    JOHN MORFD, Sep 5, 2003

    mark Guest

    Looks like you're the fool Johnny - you're the one that bought a couple of
    Fool yuo once, shame on them, fool you twice....
    mark, Sep 5, 2003

    JOHN MORFD Guest

    ubject: Re: Honda owner since 1985
    From: "Saintor"
    Date: 9/4/2003 7:39 PM Eastern Standard Time
    Message-id: <I3Q5b.84$>

    What year is your car? What REAL problems id you fix at what cost? And why
    at dealer?

    The only service issue I have with Honda is their weak brakes that warps too
    easily. They never do well in braking distance measurement tests either.

    Since you asked. Here goes.

    1985 Honda Civic Hatchback
    Radio went out at 2 years.
    Paint and clearcoat lasted 4 years
    Wheel covers looked terrible after 4 years.
    Seats need repair after 5 years. The seams came unsowed.
    This car has been the best of the 3.

    1990 Honda Accord EX.
    Paint went bad after 5 years
    Radio needed replaced after 3 years.
    Transmission needed rebuilding after
    60,000 miles. Cost (2400) dollars.
    Main electrical circuit failed. Cost:
    150 dollars.
    ABS brakes vibrate bad when breaking. Break specialist said the
    system is cheap.
    Window motor failed at 40,000 miles.
    Door latch and locking mechanism failed. Cost: 750 dollars.
    I know I am forgetting something.
    1996 Honda Accord EX.
    Hoping this car would be better. Everyone will get a lemon now and
    Paint went bad at 5 years.
    No other big problems yet but it is coming up on 65,000 miles. Hope
    the transmission holds
    Front end alignment is a problem.
    This is all I can remember without going through my many sheets of work orders
    from the dealer.

    I bought a five year extended contract on my last 2 cars so the dealer was
    needed for the warrantee work. Plus I thought the dealer should be the most
    qualified place to do work on the cars. I have since fould out that this is
    not always true.
    JOHN MORFD, Sep 5, 2003
  17. My current car is a 94 Integra. It's been on the road for 10 years
    this month. It's been as trouble-free as the other Hondas.
    etwqeggqjqd324234, Sep 6, 2003

  18. Again, Integra, 10 years on the road, I haven't experienced your "acid
    rain" problems. After I wax it up, it looks nearly brand new.
    I question what you are doing to your car. Perhaps you are not using
    clear-coat safe products. Or you are doing something else wrong.
    etwqeggqjqd324234, Sep 6, 2003
  19. Amen on the 90's Taurus. But, I don't believe many 10+ y/o cars are going to
    fair much better. Fact is, that's a long, long time for a car. Especially in
    the rust belt. I know, that's been my MO for the last 35 years.
    David E. Gaddes, Sep 6, 2003

    JOHN MORFD Guest

    Subject: Re: Honda owner since 1985
    From: (JOHN MORFD)
    Date: 9/4/2003 7:58 PM Eastern Standard Time
    Message-id: <>

    've been a Honda owner since 1982 and haven't had any problems with
    my cars. The only money I've put into them is normal maintenance
    (oil/lube, timing belt, etc).

    Consider yourself extremely lucky. I hope your luck holds.
    JOHN MORFD, Sep 7, 2003
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